听力原文:M: What is my share of the bill? 18.50? That can't be right! I only had a salad for dinner.

W: Hold on. Let me check them out first. Q: What will the woman probably do next? (16) A.Lend the man some money. B.Calculate the bill again. C.Refuse to pay the bill. D.Invite the man to dinner.

时间:2023-02-05 09:49:15


  • 听力原文:M: Mr. Steward appears to be honest. But I don’t think we can trust him.W: No, Mr听力原文:M: Mr. Steward appears to be honest. But I don’t think we can trust him. W: No, Mr. Steward is not what he looks like. Q: What does the woman probably mean ()

    A.Mr. Steward is honest. B.Mr. Steward looks honest. C.Mr. Steward looks dishonest. D.Mr. Steward is dishonest.

  • 听力原文:M: Good morning, Dr. Smith. My name is Peter. I am a freshman in your department. There are a few things that I am not quite sure of and I do need your advice.

    W: Thank you very much for your trust, Peter. As your academic advisor I will try my best to help you. M: Thanks. It's about my major... W: Well, what's the matter? M: I used to major in English, but now I have made up my mind to switch to Applied Linguistics, concentrating on Teaching English as a Foreign Language. W: So you want to switch majors? M: Yes. But I wonder if it is possible. W: Well, usually we allow it, as long as you have enough credits. M: That's good news for me. I'm not interested in literature and that sort of thing. I want to be a real teacher, Professor. But I'm worried about the make-up credits. W: You usually do have to make up some credits when you switch majors. Are you OK on credits? M: Not too many. I'll have to add about 12 credits as far as I can. figure from my transcript. Would you please let me know how many credits are required to get a master's degree? W: Usually thirty-six credits are needed, ff you take five courses per term, you'll have enough credits after just two semesters. Usually each course is worth three credits. To get the six remaining credits you either prepare a thesis or take two more courses. M: Is there anything else besides the 36 credits for the master's? W: You have to have an oral defense. M: I see.I really appreciate your help,Professor. W: Glad I can help.Good luck.Peter. (23) A.A literature professor. B.An academic advisor. C.Dean of the English Department. D.A Doctor of Applied Linguistics.

  • 听力原文:M: Well, what can I do with my money then? Interest rates are so low at the moment. What's the best way to invest?

    W: I think the most important thing is not to put everything in one place. I mean spread it around a bit. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? (18) A.The interest rates are high. B.The man wants some advice on how to invest. C.The woman suggests investing money in one place. D.The woman does not want to help him.

  • 听力原文:W: Why is it that I found some letters addressed to you in my mailbox lately, Paul?

    M: Didn't Mike tell you that I'm having the post office forward my mail to your place until I've got a new apartment? Q: What's happening to Paul's letters? (13) A.His letters are being forwarded to his new apartment. B.His letters are being sent to his old address. C.He tells Mike to deliver his mail to the woman's house. D.He has the post office deliver his mall to the woman's house.

  • 听力原文:M: I can't figure out what's wrong with my calculator. When I hit the clear button sometimes the display freezes.

    W: You should leave it to the electronics repair store. They have all the tools necessary to fix that kind of problem. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? (13) A.To buy some tools needed to repair the calculator. B.To ask the repair store to repair the calculator. C.To hit the display until it mobilized. D.To figure out what is wrong with the calculator.

  • 听力原文:M: My sister is in the hospital and I'd like to send her a plant she can use later in the law office where she's employed.

    W: How about a nice cactus? They always make lovely gifts. Where does the man's sister work? A.In a hospital. B.In a 151ant store. C.In a law office. D.In a gift shop.

  • 听力原文: Man: My secretary tells me that you'd like to know something about mechanical engineering. What I can do is give you some idea of the variety of specialties within the field.

    Woman: I'd appreciate that very much. Man: One of the oldest mechanical engineering areas is machine design. First, we need to know the purpose, of a particular machine, whether it's a crane or a tool or a steam engine. Then, if we know the loads that this machine will carry, we can make the most efficient use of the materials we have. Woman: I see. Is heating included in this field? Man: Oh, yes. Heating, refrigeration, and air conditioning rely quite a lot on thermodynamics and theories of heat transfer. The goal is to make the most efficient use of power. This area can be quite involved with mathematics. Woman: I've heard of the Carnot cycle. Does this concern the mechanical engineer? Man: Very much so. The whole field of internal combustion engines is based on the principles set out by Carnot. The mechanical engineer deals with two and four-cycle engines, gasoline and diesel engines, gas turbines, and the like. Woman: Isn't that part of automotive engineering? Man: Yes. This is one of our largest industries. Woman: What about the aircraft industry? Man: Of course. Aeronautical engineering became a very large field with the widespread use of airplanes. Now, with space travel, it promises to grow even larger. Woman: Well, you've been most helpful, sir. Man: Not at all. Come in again. 27.Why has the woman come to the man's place? 28.What is the man's field of research? 29.Which of the following subjects is involved in mechanical engineering? 30.Who was Carnet according to the man? (47) A.She is planning to buy a refrigerator. B.She is interested in fashion design. C.She wanted to know something about a subject. D.She asked the man to help her find a job.

  • 听力原文:M: Come on Jody, how're we going to convince everybody that my car wash idea is the best way to raise money for the Thanksgiving party at the student center?

    W: It won't be easy. M: Thanks a lot ! W: Oh, I'm just kidding. Actually, I think once we show how much money it could bring in, we'll be sure to convince everyone on campus to pitch-in. M: Well... how are we going to get the message out? W: One thing I was thinking of is to hang up handout on the bulletin boards. M: But that's not going to attract much attention. We need to do something interesting. W: Let me finish: I know someone who works at the campus print shop. Last week he said he could get hold of materials to make a big banner. That'll attract the attention of a lot of students if we can hang it in front of the student center. M: Nice work ! W: I've also arranged to have an article published in the school paper next Wednesday. That way you can get the message out to the entire campus. M: Uh-oh, that means I better come up with an article pretty quickly. How about if I write it up and I'll let you be the first to read it. How about alter English class tomorrow? W: Sounds like a plan. I'll see you then. M: You're the greatest. I don't think I would have known what to do without your help. (20) A.A car wash plan. B.Thanksgiving. C.A newspaper. D.A message service.

  • 听力原文:M: My doctor says I need an outside interest to get my mind off my work.Can you suggest a hobby?

    W: Yes,I can suggest a hobby.Electronics might be fun,but you don't want a hobby that requires a lot of expensive equipment,do you? M: No,I don't want to buy expensive equipment.I just want to do something that is relaxing and enjoyable. Do you think collecting umbrellas would be interesting? W: Collecting umbrellas! I've heard of a lot of unusual hobbies,but I've never heard of that one. You don't play a musical instrument,do you? M: Yes,I play the violin,but I want to do something different.What's your hobby? W: My hobby is stamp collecting.I've just started collecting stamps and it's a lot of fun.Have you ever had a stamp collection? M: No,I've never had a stamp collection.It takes a long time to build a good stamp collection.doesn't it? W: Yes,building a good collection takes a long time, but a rare set of stamps can be very valuable. I can see that you're not interested in stamp collecting,but how about spots? M: Yes, I am interested in sports.I want something I can do on weekends.Do you think golf or tennis would take my mind off my job? W: Yes,I think they would. Why does the man need an outside interest? A.To free his mind off work. B.To enrich himself. C.To make new friends. D.To kill the time.

  • 听力原文:M:I've forgotten my passbook,but rd like to make a deposit to my savings account if I may.

    W:No problem.Just bring this receipt with you the next time you come in along with your passbook,and we will adjust the balance. Q:Where did the conversation most probably take place? (15) A.At a library. B.At a store. C.At a bank. D.At a university class.

  • 听力原文:M:I am told that there is something wrong with your video camera? Let me see what's the matter.

    W: Oh, I went to the shop and had them replace it with a new one yesterday afternoon. What did the woman do with her camera yesterday afternoon? A.She went to the shop. B.She returned it to the shop. C.She had it changed. D.She replaced it with a new one.

  • 听力原文:M:I've been watering my flowers twice a week,but they are still not growing well in my room.What should I do?

    M:You must have kept them in the corner.Putting them directly in front of the window would be a good idea. Q:What does the woman suggest? (15) A.Water the flowers only once a week. B.Put the flowers in the corner. C.Move the flowers to the front of the window. D.Move the flowers to the garden.

  • 听力原文:W: Please turn down the television. I can't understand anything my friend is saying on the phone.

    M: Hurry up and finish your call. I don't like standing so close. The light hurts my eyes. Q: Why is the woman upset? (13) A.The light hurts her eyes. B.His ears hurt. C.She can't hear. D.She can't see.

  • 听力原文:M: Hi, Fran, did you attend the regular meeting this morning? What did the manager say about my plane layout of signals?

    W: Don't worry. The boss was very impressed and he said your layout was right on target. Q: What does the woman imply? (19) A.The manager was depressed by the man's layout. B.The manager thought the man's layout was quite accurate. C.The manager thought the man was good at target-shooting. D.The manager was impressed by the man's skills in target-shooting.

  • 听力原文:M: Could I hand in my paper a few days later? These days I was busying with my other examination.

    W: I am afraid that's out of the question. And my course is also urgent; you must finish it in time. Q: What does the woman mean? (17) A.The paper must be handed in on time. B.The question wasn't very clear. C.He should ask a different person. D.His request was made too late.

  • 听力原文:M: There are several reasons why careful analysis of financial statements is necessary. What are they?

    W: First, financial statements are general-purpose statements. Secondly, the relationships between amounts on successive financial statements are not obvious without analysis. And thirdly, users of financial statements may be interested in seeing how well a company is performing. Q: What are they talking about? (17) A.The methods of financial statements. B.The necessity of careful analysis of financial statements C.The relationship among financial statements. D.The purpose of financial statements.

  • 听力原文:M: Hello. This is Thomas William. I'm calling to see if my blood test results are in.

    W: Dr. Walker just sent them to the lab this morning, so the earliest they could be back is tomorrow. Q: What does the woman mean? (19) A.The results might be ready tomorrow. B.The man needs another blood test tomorrow. C.The blood is being tested now in the lab. D.The doctor will be back tomorrow.

  • 听力原文:W: What about a potluck? Each neighbor can bring his or her favorite dish to share.

    M: Well, we'll need to have much food for the party. But I don' t have much time to cook these days. What does the woman suggest? A.He'll go and find some cooks. B.Ask the guests to bring their favorite foods, C.He can cook for the party. D.They may just prepare the main course and ask the guests to bring other dishes.

  • 听力原文:M: Welcome to “Movie on the Show”, today our guest is Nancy Meyers, director of the newly released movie “What Women Want”. Thank you for coming.

    W: Thank you. M: Meyers, how do you describe your film? Are you satisfied with it? W: Well, I am happy to see it top the U.S. weekend box office. Have you seen the film? Ha, it tells the story of Nick Marshall, a Chicago advertising executive. He acquires the power to read women's minds, not just what they say but also what he hears them think. That's amazing, isn't it? I like the way Gibson interprets his role. M: Yeah, Marshall regards himself as a gift to women. I saw the movie. Then why do you choose Mel Gibson? We know, audiences usually see him playing a man with a strong typical man side, such as in his previous action movies like “Brave Heart”, while “What Women Want” is what you termed as an old-fashioned romantic comedy. W: You are right.That's precisely why I choose him. Gibson has been known as a joker on the set and a fan of silly comedy, but has not done many romantic comedies. I just want him to display his“feminine”potential in“What Women Want”. And I am grateful to see that he has done a good job. M: What do you want audiences to learn from this film? W: About Women. We should learn about women. They are individuals. What they appreciate is when you make the effort, even if you are not quite getting something they say. (23) A.Movie on Display. B.Movie on the Show. C.Best-selling Movie. D.Shining Movie Stars.

  • 听力原文:M: Good morning. Say, do you know what the assignment is for our term paper in history?

    W: Sure. Weren't you in class on Monday? That's when it was given out. M: No, I missed that class. Was there a handout? W: No, the instructor just wrote the assignment on the board. M: Could I copy the assignment from your notes? W: You could, ff I had copied it all down; but I just wrote down the part that I wanted. M: Oh, no. W: You see, there were four choices of topics ior the term paper; but, when I saw them, I knew which one I wanted so I didn't copy the others down. M: Can you remember any o'f the others? W: Let's see. There was one about World War I, something about it, but I don't remember what, and there was one called "the idea of progress in the nineteenth century." M: And what was the last one? W: I can't remember. My mind is a complete blank. Maybe you can ask someone else. M: Yes, I will. Anyway, those are certainly broad topics. W: Yes, but you van focus on a special area within them. Which one would you take? M: Of course, I don't know what the last one is, but of these three, I think I'd take "the idea of progress." W: That's very abstract. M: Yes, but it's one of my interests and I've read a lot on the subject. I've never written a term paper on it though. W: Me neither. I haven't even read about it. Are you going to class on Wednesday? M: Yes. W: Maybe he'll write it on the board again. M: I hope so. Good luck with your paper. W: Same to you. (23) A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.

  • 听力原文:M: Oh, my God! Jessica. It's five p. m. now. Tomorrow is Saturday. The credit will expire on Sunday. Weekend is non-business day. We cannot make it today. What shall we do?

    W: Don't worry. Banks will accept presentation on the following business day. Q: When will the bank deal with the credit if the expiry date of a credit fails on a non-business day? (19) A.On every business day. B.On Tuesday. C.On Wednesday. D.On the following business day.

  • 听力原文:W: Let me see what else we need. Beef, eggs and some flow. Oh my goodness, that's Jane.

    M: What? Where? W: Over there by the bananas. Let's go say hello. M: OK. I haven't seen her for ages. Where are the speakers? A.In a department store. B.At a florist's. C.In a supermarket.

  • 听力原文:W: How is your job at the supermarket M: Well, it’s rather hard work. The hours a听力原文:W: How is your job at the supermarket M: Well, it’s rather hard work. The hours are pretty long. I already feel difficult to keep up with my classmates. What is the man worried about ()

    A.He does not earn as much money as his classmates. B.He does not work as well as his classmates. C.He does not get enough pay for his ’hard work. D.He does not have enough time for his study.

  • 听力原文:M: Hello, Marry. What's up with you?

    W: Oh, Tom. It's my landlady again. M: You're always in trouble. What is it this time? W: You see, she left a note for me. Just read it. M: Well, did you leave the front door open? W: I honestly don't remember. I got back late from a party. Anyway, what does it matter? It's all complaints in that house: first noise, then bathroom. M: Well, in that case, why don't you look around for another place? W: I've already started. I looked in the paper this morning, plenty of advertisements as usual, but must of the places are too far from school. M: Look, why don't you come and share with us? W: But surely there are four of you in the flat already, aren't there? M: Yes, but, you know, Jane is leaving at the end of the month. She's got a job down south. There will be a spare room. It's rather small, but you can sleep there for the moment till you find a nice one. W: That's a good idea. How many rooms do you have? M: We have four bedrooms and a big living room. W: What are the arrangements? M: Oh, we share all expenses, of course, rent, light, and heating. W: What about ford? M: Oh, we each buy our own. It works out fine that way. And you can do any thing you like in your own room, but there is one thing... W: what's that? M: Don't leave the front door open. Strange people may wander in. W: All right. I promise that won't happen again. By the way, when is Jane leaving? M: Let me see... yes, this time next week. W: Today is the 22nd, Tuesday, so she's leaving on the 29th. Well, I will move in one day after she leaves. M: Yes, no problem. We will get ready by then. W: Thanks a lot. M: You're welcome. (27) A.Her difficulties at her house. B.Finding a place to live. C.The parties she went to. D.Her friend's house.