听力原文:W: You must have passed through lots of rural areas during your trip.Do you enjoy the country?

M: Yes.when you've been staying in an rural areas for a change. Everything is relaxed and easy.The scenery is beautiful. Q: Why does the man enjoy the country? (17) A.Because of its friendly folks. B.Because of its clean air. C.Because of its quietness. D.Because of the sense of freshness.

时间:2023-03-18 14:02:51


  • 听力原文:W: Have you made any plans yet for summer vacation, Brad? Don't you want to go anywhere?

    M: Not really. I am not planning to go anywhere this year. What I'd like to do is to find a decent job. Q: What does Brad mean? (19) A.He doesn't have any idea about what he wants to do. B.He'd like to work this summer. C.He wonders whether the woman has a job. D.He can't decide where to go on vacation.

  • 听力原文:W: I haven't seen you down at the tennis court in weeks. Have you been on vacation?

    M: No, I have been around. It's just that I've got this pain in my elbow that's keeping me from playing tennis. And you know how much I love tennis! W: I know. I used to see you practice every night. So what have you been doing to treat your elbow? M: You name it pain-killers, heating pads, ice. But nothing seems to work. W: Have you tried acupuncture? M: Well, I've heard about it--they stick needles in all parts of your body, but I'm not too sure. W: I don't blame you for being hesitant. I had a similar problem with my shoulder a while back. But I read an article about acupuncture for relieving pain, so I figured, why not? I'll try it. M: And it worked? W: It worked for me. The article was about an acupuncturist in California who's been successful in helping 90 percent of the people he's treated for the pain they get in their hands when they type too much. M: That sounds promising. Now, isn't acupuncture a Chinese tradition? W: That's right. The Chinese have been using acupuncture to treat pain for thousands of years. But it's really starting to catch on over here now. There are more than 9,000 licensed acupuncturists in the United States. M: Wow! Is there an acupuncturist near campus? W: There sure is. Are you busy now? I could walk you over there and you could make an appointment. M: That'd be great. I want to get this problem taken care of as soon as possible so I can start playing tennis again. (23) A.Places to play tennis. B.A way to relieve pain. C.Common sports injuries. D.A topic for a research paper.

  • 听力原文:W:I have been waiting here for almost half an hour.Why did you take so long to park the car?

    M:I'm sorry,dear.I had driven three blocks before I spotted a place to park. Q:What do we learn from the conversation? (14) A.The man couldn't find a parking lot for his car. B.The man apologized because of his carelessness. C.The woman was upset due to his late arrival. D.It's very hard to find a place to park the car.

  • 听力原文:W: I've been reading about a new snack food. It's made from fish. Have you heard anything about it?

    M: No. I haven't, but 1 don't like fish very much anyway. W: Not to worry. Although it's made primarily from fish, it actually doesn't have a fishy taste. In fact, it can be flavored with tomato, cheese, or chocolate for instance M: How can it not taste fishy? Do you know how this snack food is made? W: First the fish is minced and cooked and fermented. Then water and starch are added to make a dough. M: It sounds awful. W: Actually the dough is very bland al that point, so the flavorings are added to give it some taste. M: Well, it still sounds a little strange. But I suppose this product will at least be low calorie and high protein. like a health food. W: Yes, you could call it that. And it has a long shelf life, so it won't spoil quickly. It is also easy to digest and can ha made from types of fish that usually aren't eaten, or from high grade fish by-products, M: Mm, have you got any samples? I might be willing to try the cheese-flavored variety. W: No, none of it seems to be available yet. As I understand it, this fish snack food probably won't be in the stores for another couple of years. So you'll have a while to get used to the whole idea. M: A couple of years, ah? It may just take me that long. but thanks for telling me about it. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the conversation to flavor the new product with? A.Tomato. B.Cheese. C.Chocolate. D.Fish.

  • 听力原文:W: What angers me is not your poor grades, but the fact that you hardly tried. We have no choice other than to expel you.

    M: But you aren't even considering my personal problems. How am I supposed to concentrate on books when my father is in the hospital with cancer? Q: Why is the boy being expelled? (15) A.His father is sick. B.He doesn't like school. C.He causes a lot of trouble. D.He's a poor student.

  • 听力原文:W: I haven't seen you here for a couple weeks. Have you stopped eating or something?

    M: No. Does it look like I've stopped eating? I've been spending a lot of time in the library. W: Working on a paper? M: I wish I was working on a paper! I'm working on three different papers: anthropology, English literature, and history. W: Wow, that is a lot of work. M: Yeah, and what's frustrating is that I'm studying the nineteenth century British Empire in all three classes, but I can't just write a single paper for all three. W: Why not? M: The professors won't let me even if I make it three times as long as the suggested length. W: That's too bad. Could you write your papers on three aspects of one topic? M: Hmm. What do you mean? Do you have something in mind? W: Well, let's see. Hmm... Maybe you could do something with Romanticism, like, ohh.., write your anthropology paper on the cultural basis of Romanticism, and, uh, your history paper on the influence of the Romantic poets on British foreign policy, and, OK, and your English paper on an analysis of some Romantic poems. M: Hey, that's not a bad idea! I've already started the research for one of the papers, so I can use that. What can I do to repay you? W: You want to write up my chemistry paper for me? M: I'd love to, but I've never taken chemistry, so I'm not sure you'd like the results. W: Oh well, no thanks necessary then. I'll do it myself. Have a good weekend, and try to get out of the library and get some sleep. You have big circles under your eyes. M: OK, I'll try. See you later. (23) A.Writing papers for his classes. B.Preparing for the coming exam in the library. C.Doing extra work in the chemistry lab. D.Working overtime at a library.

  • 听力原文:M: I must admit I had expected more than a passing grade from Prof. John son. Do you think he will change his mind after I talk to him this afternoon?

    W: Some hope, he is a hard nut to crack. Q: What does the woman mean? (15) A.She will help the man to make an appointment to meet the professor. B.The professor will probably change his mind. C.She hopes the professor will change his mind. D.The man can not convince the professor.

  • 听力原文:W: Let me get you some coffee or tea, or would you rather have something cold, like Coca Cola?

    M: Well, there's nothing like water when the weather's hot. Q: Which drink does the man prefer? (18) A.Coffee. B.Tea. C.Water. D.Coca-Cola.

  • 听力原文:W Do you have everything prepared to present the promotional plan for the new novel tomorrow?

    M Yes, I'm just waiting on some posters. I should get them after lunch so I can do a run-through of the presentation tonight. Have you seen the cover of the novel? It's fantastic. W I know, it's the best one of the series. Where are you guys going to start promoting it first? M We're going to start in New York then visit the major cities along the East Coast. There's so much anticipation, we're scheduling stops in Europe and Asia too. What will the man promote? A.A play B.A novel C.A rock singer D.An art exhibit

  • 听力原文:M: I suppose you must have heard about that great piece of concrete falling onto a car in that terrible accident in South Street yesterday, didn't you, Jane?

    W: Yes, I saw it in the paper. From a 200-foot high building, wasn't it? I gather the driver had just got out or he'd have been killed, wouldn't he? M: Oh, yes. I saw the car; it was totally damaged. W: You usually park your car around there, don't you, Bill? M: Yes, I left it in that very spot a couple of days ago, but yesterday it was parked up the road. W: You were lucky then, weren't you, Bill? M: Out of luck, you mean! I'd be very pleased if my old ear were smashed to bits. I could claim from the insurance company then, couldn't I? W: But you used to be so proud of your car, weren't you? M: I used to be years ago, but now there are all sorts of repairs to be done, and I just haven't got enough spare cash to put it right. W: You can always sell it, can't you? M: Few people are stupid enough to buy a car in that state, are they? W: The man whose car was crushed yesterday was very annoyed about it. He'll be given a new car by the builders, though. M: Yes, but his car was a specially-built model that can't be replaced, and there was hardly anything wrong with it, was there? W: Well, that's life! When people actually want to get rid of their cars, this sort of thing seldom happens, does it? (20) A.There was a traffic accident. B.A car was smashed by a falling object. C.A car hit someone near the high building. D.A driver was killed in his new car.

  • 听力原文:W: Could you check on the arrangements in the conference room for this evening's program? We may have more guests than expected.

    M: Sure, and I'll arrange for extra chairs. Is there anything else you want me to do? W: Please get Hari to ensure that all the sound equipment is working fine. Last week we had a problem with the microphones. M: Yes, we need to be extra careful this time. But I'm sure Hari's at his job already. What does the woman want the man to do? A.Send out the invitations. B.Arrange for accommodations. C.Welcome guests to a show. D.Supervise preparations for an event.

  • 听力原文:W: Hello, John, you must be pleased. After all, how many students are lucky enough to be accepted at their first and second choices?

    M: Not many I know. But I am not sure yet which one to choose. W: You seem to have doubts about the State University. But its biology department has good facilities all the biology majors want. M: Yeah. They aim have internship for seniors. But a friend told me that for the first two years some lectures had a hundred and fifty students. You probably wouldn't get to know any of your teachers. W: Well, you might actually because those classes also have small discussion sections twice a week which have no more than twenty students. M: I know. But I've heard they were usually taught by graduate students. At White Stone College all classes are taught by professors. W: What about studying? Do you prefer a small town like White Stone or a bigger place like the state capital? M: That doesn't matter to me. What I do care about is getting individual attention from the faculty and making friends. W: Look, I've known you for four years now, and you seem to be a pretty out-going person. I don't think yon'Il have any trouble making friends at State University. It sounds to me like you are leaning toward White Stone though. M: I am. The only problem is that the white Stone's tuition fee is really high and I'm not sure I can afford it. W: You could still apply for a student loan or sign up for a work-study program. M: yeah, I think I'll look into that. Why did the man go to see the woman? A.To apply for a student loan. B.To discuss a decision he has to make. C.To ask for a letter of recommendation. D.To find out which colleges accepted him.

  • 听力原文:W: This is the third time you have been late this week, Robert. You'll have to do better than that, or I might find it necessary to let you go.

    M: It won't happen again, I assure you. W: This is the last time I believe you. What is the most probable relationship of the two people? A.Doctor and patient. B.Boss and employee. C.Receptionist and tourist. D.Teacher and student.

  • 听力原文:W: All right, that comes to $20.75. Do you have one of our store membership cards?

    M: What is that? W: It's a flee card which allows our customers to receive special discounts. You simply need to fill out our membership application form. M: No, thank you. I'm a little pressed for time. W: How will you be paying for that? Will that be cash or credit? M: I think I'll pay with my card. W: OK. Is that a credit card or a debit card? M: I'm sorry. I don't understand your question. What is the difference? W: A credit card bills you once a month; a debit card deducts the money directly from your bank account. M: Well, this is an ATM card issued by my bank. It's connected to my bank account. Can I use that? W: Sure, that's a kind of debit card. Please press the button marked "DBT" and swipe your card through the machine. M: OK. And now what do I do? W: Please enter your pin number, the identification number which verifies your identity. M: OK. And now? W: Paper or plastic? M: I'm sorry? What did you say? W: I'm going to pack your groceries. What kind of bags would you like, paper or plastic? M: Plastic, please. Wow, you really have to make a lot of decisions in an American grocery store. (20) A.Apply immediately with any credit card. B.Fill out the membership application form. C.Pay a membership fee. D.Buy certain items in the store.

  • 听力原文:W: Have you asked Henry and his wife if they would come over for dinner at the weekend?

    M: I have dialed their number repeatedly but kept getting a busy signal. What does the woman imply?. (14) A.They haven't received the invitation yet. B.They won't be flee at the weekend. C.They are expected to come to the dinner. D.They haven't replied so far.

  • 听力原文:M: So, you must have a lot of contact with overseas students in your work helping people coping with daily existence.

    W: Sometimes. You know the life of a social worker is not all wonderful and working to help people in their daily life. I have to spend a lot of time pushing paper, and writing reports too. But when I do get out, yeah, I see a lot of foreigners. And sometimes they come in because life in America has just beaten them down and they can't cope financially or emotionally. M: Really? I would think that they had a good support network in place, especially university students. W: They do have a network, and a variety of support groups, but these can't meet all of the students' needs. They can't help with paying bills, dealing with American neighbors and customs, fitting in, getting a driver's license, etc. They try, but very often the student has to figure out a lot of this stuff by himself. And if he or she is shy, they don't have the courage to ask other people, even other people from their nationality. M: So what are some of the things that overseas students struggle with? W: This might interest you, but they struggle with the food, especially Chinese. You know, they come here knowing that Americans love Chinese food so much. They think that there will be good restaurants with Chinese food that they love. But they get here and they are extremely surprised. Americans enjoy totally different flavors. M: So what do they do? W: If they're brave and curious, they look around and test all the restaurants. There is usually at least one restaurant in every town that has almost quality food. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. In which aspect does the woman help people in her work? 24. Why do people come to the woman for help? 25. How did Chinese students expect the American-made Chinese food before they came to the U.S? (20) A.Writing reports for them. B.Teaching them foreign languages. C.Helping them deal with daily existence. D.Introducing work for them.

  • 听力原文:W: Tomorrow we are having our first test in history class. I'm really worried about it. You've taken one of Dr. Parker's tests, haven't you? I hear they're impossible to pass.

    M: I don't know who you've been talking to. My experience was just the opposite. Q: What does the man mean? (14) A.He thought Dr. Parker's tests were easy. B.Dr. Parker is no longer teaching history. C.The woman's source of information is reliable. D.He didn't enjoy taking history tests of Dr. Parker's.

  • 听力原文:W: Do you have plans for Saturday night? I want you to come over to my place because I' m having a party at my house with my friends.

    M: Thanks for the invitation. I wouldn't miss it for anything. Should I bring something? And what' s the dress code? W: Don't worry about your outfit. It' s a casual party and it is called " Bring your own bottle" party so just bring your own bottles. Just come by 7:00. M: I see. I finish my work at 6:30. I will go there right after my work. It will take around one hour. What time is the man going to be there? A.Around 6:30 B.Around 7:00 C.Around 7:30 D.Around 8:00

  • 听力原文:W: You're always working around the house on Saturday, painting and doing repairs. You must enjoy it.

    M: Not really. I'd rather relax or go fishing, but Saturday is the only day I have to get anything done. By the time I get home from work during the week, I'm too tired. Q: What does the man usually do on Saturdays? (19) A.He relaxes. B.He goes to work. C.He goes fishing. D.He works at home.

  • 听力原文:W: Fm learning a lot in my philosophy class. Have you ever taken any courses in that department?

    M: Only the one last year, none since then. Q: What does the man mean? (16) A.He couldn't make any sense out of his course. B.He hasn't taken more then one philosophy course. C.He is a philosophy major. D.He hasn't taken any philosophy course in that department.

  • 听力原文:W: It is said that you have made a new pretty girlfriend. And we're having a party tonight. Why not join us together with your girlfriend?

    M: Well.. .I'm breaking up with Cathy. Q: What does the man mean? (17) A.He has his leg broken. B.He wants to join the party. C.He parts with his girlfriend. D.He gets along well with Cathy.

  • 听力原文:W: Would you like some hot coffee or tea M: I like them both, but I’d rather have听力原文:W: Would you like some hot coffee or tea M: I like them both, but I’d rather have something cold. Q: What does the man want to drink ()

    A.Something col D.. B.Coffee C.TeA D.Both coffee and teA.

  • 听力原文:M: I’mfrid I must be going now.W: Must you It’s still erly.M: I’mfrid I r听力原

    听力原文:M: I’mfrid I must be going now.W: Must you It’s still erly.M: I’mfrid I r听力原文:M: I’mfrid I must be going now. W: Must you It’s still erly. M: I’mfrid I relly must. I hve to meet midnight plne. W: In tht cse, we cn’ t keep you. M: Well, thnk you very much for plesnt evening. W: Thnk you for coming. You must comegin. M: Thnk you. I will. Good-bye. W: Good-bye. I wish you very good journey home. Why does the mn leve erly Becuse he is too tired. B.Becuse he is ctching flight. C.Becuse he does not like to sty. A.Because he is too tireD B.Because he is catching a flight. C.Because he does not like to stay.

  • 听力原文:W: Have you seen Tom lately M: Yeah. He is really something nowadays. I can’t eve听力原文:W: Have you seen Tom lately M: Yeah. He is really something nowadays. I can’t even get close to him. Q: What does the man think about Tom ()

    A.Tom is very rich now. B.Tom is a very important person. C.Tom has become very bad guy. D.Tom is arrogant to his old friends.