听力原文:W: It’s Lind’s birthdy. She’s 20 yers old tody.re you going to her birthdy听力原文:W: It’s Lind’s birthdy. She’s 20 yers old tody.re you going to her birthdy prty, Peter M: Sure, why not Here is present for her. W: Is it book M: No. W: Cn I open it M: Yes, gohed. W: Wow, video tpe. How nice ! Whtre they tlkingbout Lind’s birthdy. B. video tpe. C.Peter’s present for Lind. D.Lind’s birthdy prty.

A.Linda’s birthday. B.A video tape C.Peter’s present for LindA D.Linda’s birthday party.

时间:2024-06-17 01:22:49
