We think that the profit margin of the offer might have been compressed to the lowest extent for us.However, considering the long-term trust collaboration between us and the hard work that your team has contributed into maintaining the quality of the product, we'll take that offer.()

:A.价格利润空间很窄,但是考虑到我们之间的长期合作关系,我方接受贵方报价。 B.但是考虑到我们之间的长期合作关系以及你们团队为保证产品质量所做的努力,我方接受贵方报价。 C.价格利润空间很窄,但是考虑到我们之间的长期合作关系以及你们团队为保证产品质量所做的努力,我方接受贵方报价。 D.价格利润空间很窄,但是考虑到你们团队为保证产品质量所做的努力,我方接受贵方报价。

时间:2024-01-17 14:37:59
