听力原文:M: Honeybee Foods Corporation, engaged in fast food industry, has been developing rapidly and steadily in the Philippines these years, but few could imagine that it was started in 1975 as an ice cream parlor owned and run by the Chinese- Filipino Tan family. After the company President Tom Tan Caktiong (better known as TTC) realized that events triggered by the 1977 oil crisis would double the price of ice cream, Honeybee had diversified into sandwiches. The Tan's hamburger, made to a home-style. Philippine recipe, quickly became a customer favorite. A year later, the family incorporated as Honeybee Foods Corporation.

The company's name came from TTC'S vision of employees working happily and efficiently, like bees in a hive. Friendliness pervaded the organization and became one of the “Five Fs” that summed up Honeybee's philosophy. The others were flavorful food, a fun atmosphere, flexibility in catering to customer needs, and a focus on families (children flocked to the company's bee mascot whenever it appeared in public). The company's value proposition offered all of these to customers at an affordable price. The recipe of the local Filipino flavor and sound operation and management enabled the corporation to grow rapidly. Up to 1985, Honeybee had 28 chains in the Philippines. The domestic business success of the corporation made President TTC get greatly interested in international expansion. Since 1985, Honeybee started seven chain stores respectively in Singapore, Taiwan, Brunei, and Indonesia. However, except for the four extremely successful chains in Brunei, the other three all failed in the end. The major causes for the business failure included lack of full exchange and communication among different divisions, some problems in the organizational structure, and too fast development of international business. Honeybee had opened a large number of chains in a short period of time, but owing to limited management ability, many of these chains were unprofitable. The corporation should take the development step by step and make sure that each new chain was profitable. Only in this way could the corporation guarantee sustainable development. &8226;Look at the notes about an enterprise. &8226;Some information is missing. &8226;You will hear part of a presentation by the International Manager of the company. &8226;For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space, using one or two words. &8226;You will hear the presentation twice. Honeybee Foods Corporation Honeybee started originally as (16) an ______ parlor The company's name came from (17) TTC' s vision of employees working like ______ Honeybee's philosophy (18) “______” Up to 1985, Honeybee had (19) ______ chains in the Philippines In its international expansion, the successful chains were in (20) ______ The chain store of Honeybee in Singapore was (21) ______ In the future Honeybee should (22) ______ step by step. (16)

时间:2023-09-29 16:18:47


  • 听力原文:M: The food in this restaurant is horrible. If only we got to the school dining hall.

    W: But the food isn't everything. Isn't it nice just to get away from all the noise? Q: What can we learn from the conversation? (14) A.It's quiet in the restaurant. B.The restaurant is too far from their school. C.The price is high in the restaurant. D.The restaurant serves good food.

  • 听力原文:M: It isn't fair -- the professor gives us too much reading assignment this time.

    W: Oh, there's only one textbook. M: Yeah, surely there's only one textbook, but one with 880 pages. What does the man complain about? A.Too much reading. B.Only one textbook. C.A very heavy textbook. D.a mean professor.

  • 听力原文:M:Congratulations! I heard your field hockey team is going to the mid-Atlantic championships!

    W:Yeah! Now we're all working hard to get ready for our game tomorrow. Q:What will the woman probably do this afternoon? (14) A.Take part in the championship game. B.Try out for the field hockey team. C.Get tickets to see the championship game. D.Go to practice field hockey.

  • 听力原文:M: The Students' English Club is having a party on Saturday night. Would you like to come?

    W: I would like to, but I have to work at a restaurant on the weekend. Why does the woman refuse to go the party? A.Because she has got an appointment. B.Because she doesn't want to. C.Because she has to work. D.Because she wants to eat in a new restaurant.

  • 听力原文:M: I was shocked when I heard you'd finished your research project a whole month earlier.

    W: How I managed to do it is still a mystery to me. Q: What does the woman mean? (19) A.She's not sure how she was able to finish so early. B.She wasn't able to manage the project so early. C.She's not sure how to solve the mystery. D.She still hasn't heard what was shocking.

  • 听力原文:M: What kind of prints that are popular among teenagers? Which color do Japanese people usually wear?

    W: I think the most popular prints are those of Cookie Monster, Hello Kitty, and animal characters. And Japanese don't wear bright clothes. Usually they wear dark ones, like black or brown. M: Who is the most well-known Thai singer in Japan? W: Tata Young is the most famous Thai singer in Japan. She held a live tour in Tokyo and it was a big success. Her debut album for Japan recorded great sales all over Asia. Her music is played on the Japanese dance scene. Tata Young is so famous, not only in Japan, but also around the world. M: What is still the tradition nowadays and what is the main reason for the making tea ceremony? W: In Japan, we send New Years cards to our relatives and friends at the beginning of the year. By making tea ceremony, we regain our composure and we can enjoy drinking tea more. M: What is "samurai"? W: Samurai were people who had a special position in traditional Japanese society. Their hairstyle. was called chonmage. They carried an edged tool, called nihonto. There are not any more samurai in Japan now. M: What do you usually do in nightlife? W: I usually listen to the radio, play die guitar and the piano at home in the night time. I think many other university students go out to dinner at an Izakaya and drink beer with their friends. M: What's the population of your country and where do most people live? W: Most people live in Tokyo: The population of Tokyo is 12 million. And the second largest population is that of Osaka, which is 8.8 million. In Kynto, there are only 1.5 million people. (23) A.About some aspects of social life in Thailand. B.About some aspects of social life in Japan. C.About what prints are popular among teenagers in Thailand. D.About what prints are popular among teenagers in Japan.

  • 听力原文:M: Hello, Ms. Davis. I am calling from MCI to explain our new long distance calling plan.

    W: Hmm... I am already using Sprint for 60 cents per minute to Japan. M: We can give you a better deal with the new plan and that one is 50 cents per minute anywhere in Asia. W: That sounds appealing. Let me think about it for a moment. What is the purpose of the talk? A.The promotion of a telephone service. B.Making a sales plan for new products. C.A flight reservation. D.Complaining about a faulty product.

  • 听力原文:M: That suitcase looks very heavy, Mrs White. Would you like me to carry it for you?

    W: No, it's quite all right. I can manage. Thank you for offering, though. Q: How does Mrs Smith respond? (13) A.She says she doesn't mind if the man carries the case. B.She is angry when the man offers to carry the case. C.She refuses the help. D.She thanks the man and accepts his offer.

  • 听力原文:M: That suitcase looks very heavy, Mrs White. Would you like mc to carry it for you?

    W: No, it's quite all right. I can manage. Thank you for offering, though. Q: How does Mrs White respond? (13) A.She says she doesn't mind if the man carries the case. B.She is angry when the man offers to carry the case. C.She refuses the help. D.She thanks the man and accepts his offer.

  • 听力原文:M: Most foreign students here are graduated students in counting, dentistry, engineering and business administration.

    W: Right. They tend to major in practical fields that will assure them of good jobs later. What do foreign students consider important in choosing major? A.How soon they will graduate. B.How much their education costs. C.What kind of job they can get later. D.Which country they Will work in.

  • 听力原文:M: There are several reasons why careful analysis of financial statements is necessary. What are they?

    W: First, financial statements are general-purpose statements. Secondly, the relationships between amounts on successive financial statements are not obvious without analysis. And thirdly, users of financial statements may be interested in seeing how well a company is performing. Q: What are they talking about? (17) A.The methods of financial statements. B.The necessity of careful analysis of financial statements C.The relationship among financial statements. D.The purpose of financial statements.

  • 听力原文:M: Maggie, I've just read a magazine article. It says that eggs are one of the most healthful foods.

    W: But next to potatoes, I believe. Q: What does the woman mean? (15) A.It's raining heavily. B.It's going to rain. C.It's raining slightly. D.He wants some cats and dogs.

  • 听力原文:M: Did you go to the Italian High-tech Exhibition in Tianjin University last month?

    W: Yes,it was wonderful.I particularly like the works by Da Vinci. M: I wish I had gone but I heard we had to wait for two hours to get the ticket. What are these two people talking about? A.They are talking about an Italian High-tech Exhibition. B.They are talking about the train tickets. C.They are talking about Tianjin University.

  • 听力原文:M: Bob is certainly the funniest person in class; he can always make everyone laugh.

    W: I think I still have to get used to his sense of humor. Q: What does the woman mean? (7) A.She must learn to understand Bob's humor better. B.She enjoys Bob's humor a great deal. C.She thinks Bob is not funny enough. D.She doesn't appreciate Bob's humor.

  • 听力原文:M: Good morning. I want to know something about the weather in Shanghai this week.

    W: Well, it's fairly cool and there's much rain in the morning. What is the weather like in Shanghai? A.Hot. B.Cool. C.Cold.

  • 听力原文:M: I often go to school by bike. How about you W: I often walk there.Q: How does听力原文:M: I often go to school by bike. How about you W: I often walk there. Q: How does the woman go to school

    A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By bike D.By taxi.

  • 听力原文:M: Hi, Wendy. Only two more weeks of classes, eight school days actually, then exams start.

    W: Yes, Sven. I will be glad when exams are over. M: What are you doing for the summer break? W: (19) I would like to go to Italy and work at a restaurant in Florence. My uncle owns a restaurant specializing in seafood and he has offered me a casual job. M: That would be a wonderful summer. W: Yes, I really wanna go. (19) But the problem is my father had a heart attack three weeks ago. I am the only one to help my mother. It is such a dilemma. I don't know what to do. M: Yes, that would be a very difficult decision. W: I am leaning towards going to Italy, but I just feel so guilty. What about you, Sven? What are your plans for the summer? M: Well, I have a dilemma, too. (20) I would love to go to Nepal as a volunteer to instruct local residents in engineering skills. W: It would be a chance to share what you already know. M: However, I don't find out until next week whether or not I have been accepted into the program. If I do get accepted, I won't be making any money and I need money to return to university for my final year in September. W: I can see your problem. Can't you borrow money from financial aid for your final year? M: Probably, but I hate to start off with a lot of debt. (21) Engineering fees are rising by 10 percent next year. It is not an inexpensive faculty to be in. 19. What is the woman's main dilemma? 20.What does the man love to do in the summer? 21.What do we know about engineering faculty? (1) A.Going to Italy vs. helping her mother. B.Going to Nepal vs. staying home. C.Having fun vs. making money. D.Attending her family vs. improving her job skills.

  • 听力原文:M: Excuse me, I have an appointment to see Doctor Graham for a physical examination.

    W: Please have a seat. She is in surgery right now. She'll be out in about 20 minutes. Q: Where does this conversation probably take place? (18) A.In a doctor's office. B.In an operating room. C.In a professor's office. D.In a gymnasium.

  • 听力原文:W: 45-21-64. Bonjour(French).M: Is that the Saint Martine Hotel?W: Oui(French). Y

    听力原文:W: 45-21-64. Bonjour(French). M: Is that the Saint Martine Hotel? W: Oui(French). Yes, it is. Can I help you? M: Have you got a double room for the night of 23rd July? W: One moment please. I'll just have a look. Yes, we have got a double room on that date. M: Has it got a double bed or two singles? W: Two singles, monsieur, M: And is that with or without bath? W: It's a room with shower and toilet, monsieur. M: That sounds fine. Is there a TV? W: Could you repeat that, please? M: Is there a color television in the room? W: Yes, but of course. And a video, if you choose. M: How much will it be for one night? W: About four hundred francs. M: And what does that include? W: It includes morning newspaper continental breakfast and service. M: Where is the nearest metro? W: Opera, monsieur. It's only five minutes from here. M: And is there an extra charge for children? W: If the child is under sixteen and we put an extra bed in your room, the charge is seventy-five francs. Do you want the room? M: Yes, for one night-23rd July. W: Oui, monsieur. May I have your name, please? M: Actually, it's for my wife and two daughters Mrs. Jean Gordon, Linda and Maggie. W: Yes, monsieur. So you need an extra bed. (23) A.A room with a single bed. B.A double room with two single beds. C.A room with a double bed and a single bed. D.A double room and two double beds.

  • 听力原文:M: This book is due today, but I am not finished. Can I get it renewed?

    W: French Art & Architecture of the 19th Century. I have to check. Can I have the book and your library card? M: Sure. I just need it for a few more days. W: Well, first, this book is one week late, not due today as you thought. There are also a few requests for this book so it is now on hold for the next person. There's a small fine on your card of $1.40 for the overdue book, would you like to pay today? M: So if I pay the fine, can I take this book out again? W: You won't be able to take it out again until all the other people who have placed holds on it have signed it out. Did you want to pay your fine today? M: Have you processed the return on the book? Perhaps I'll accrue more fines, and keep it for a few more days. I really need it. The exam is in two days and this is practically the course text book. W: Sorry, I have already signed it hack in and now it is on hold. In fact if I could, I would triple our fines and suspend your library privileges. It's not fair to other students who are also trying to access library material for study purpose. Now are you going to pay your fine today? M: OK. Sorry. What is the student's problem? A.He does not have his library card with him. B.He does not want to return the book right now. C.He does not like the system of putting books on hold. D.He does not want to pay the fine.

  • 听力原文:M: Good morning. Customer Banking Service...

    听力原文:M: Good morning. Customer Banking Services. Can I help you? F: Hello, can I speak to Mr Wright, please? M: I am sorry he is in a meeting right now. I am his assistant, Tony. Is there anything I can do for you? F: Oh, yes, maybe you can be of help. This is Ms Spencer. You see, I have found a teaching post in Korea, and I am going to stay there for at least 5 or 6 years, so I'd like to cancel my current account at your bank. M: OK, Ms Spencer. But I'll need some details. Your initials, please. F: D.Y. M: Is that B for baby? F: No, D for difficult. M: Right. And what is your current account number? F: It's 1807 5497 M: Would you give your date of birth? I need to go through security procedures. F: 17 December, 1956. M: And your password, please. F: Well, I haven't used this account for sometime. I am not quite sure. It's maybe 5415 or 4515. Would you try both? M: Yes, it's the fast one. Uh, you still have $100 in your account. Do you want to pick it up here personally or do you want it sent to you by mail? F: By mail, please. I am extremely busy these days. M: Fine, Ms Spencer, your current account is cancelled. F: Thanks a lot, Tony. M: You are welcome. Bye-bye. &8226;There are thirty questions on this question paper. &8226;Instructions are given on the tape. &8226;You can write on this Question Paper. &8226;At the end of the test, you will be given 10 minutes to copy your answers onto the Answer Sheet. &8226;You must write all your answers in pencil. PART ONE &8226;You will hear three telephone conversations or messages. &8226;Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. &8226;You will hear each recording twice. Conversation One &8226;Look at the form. below. &8226;You will hear a woman calling about banking service. Customer Banking Service From: (1) ___________________ Initials: D.Y. Bank service required: (2) ___________________ Reason: shall stay in (3) ___________________ for 5 or 6 years Date of birth: 17 Dec., 1956 Account number: 18075497 Password: 5415 Send (4) ___________________ of money by mail

  • 听力原文:M: Hello, Marry. What's up with you?

    W: Oh, Tom. It's my landlady again. M: You're always in trouble. What is it this time? W: You see, she left a note for me. Just read it. M: Well, did you leave the front door open? W: I honestly don't remember. I got back late from a party. Anyway, what does it matter? It's all complaints in that house: first noise, then bathroom. M: Well, in that case, why don't you look around for another place? W: I've already started. I looked in the paper this morning, plenty of advertisements as usual, but must of the places are too far from school. M: Look, why don't you come and share with us? W: But surely there are four of you in the flat already, aren't there? M: Yes, but, you know, Jane is leaving at the end of the month. She's got a job down south. There will be a spare room. It's rather small, but you can sleep there for the moment till you find a nice one. W: That's a good idea. How many rooms do you have? M: We have four bedrooms and a big living room. W: What are the arrangements? M: Oh, we share all expenses, of course, rent, light, and heating. W: What about ford? M: Oh, we each buy our own. It works out fine that way. And you can do any thing you like in your own room, but there is one thing... W: what's that? M: Don't leave the front door open. Strange people may wander in. W: All right. I promise that won't happen again. By the way, when is Jane leaving? M: Let me see... yes, this time next week. W: Today is the 22nd, Tuesday, so she's leaving on the 29th. Well, I will move in one day after she leaves. M: Yes, no problem. We will get ready by then. W: Thanks a lot. M: You're welcome. (27) A.Her difficulties at her house. B.Finding a place to live. C.The parties she went to. D.Her friend's house.

  • 听力原文:M: Susan, have you read the notice on the bulletin board I’ve won the scholarshi

    听力原文:M: Susan, have you read the notice on the bulletin board I’ve won the scholarship for the next semester. A.His only son is dying. B.His mother died some time ago. C.He didn’t look after his sick wife D.He hasn’t taken good care of his son.

  • 听力原文:M: I’mfrid I must be going now.W: Must you It’s still erly.M: I’mfrid I r听力原

    听力原文:M: I’mfrid I must be going now.W: Must you It’s still erly.M: I’mfrid I r听力原文:M: I’mfrid I must be going now. W: Must you It’s still erly. M: I’mfrid I relly must. I hve to meet midnight plne. W: In tht cse, we cn’ t keep you. M: Well, thnk you very much for plesnt evening. W: Thnk you for coming. You must comegin. M: Thnk you. I will. Good-bye. W: Good-bye. I wish you very good journey home. Why does the mn leve erly Becuse he is too tired. B.Becuse he is ctching flight. C.Becuse he does not like to sty. A.Because he is too tireD B.Because he is catching a flight. C.Because he does not like to stay.