•Read the letter below about the company.

•Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page. •For each question 19-33, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. Dear Shareholders, 2001 was a challenging but successful year for our company. We were (19) by one of the most brutal global economies in decades, as well as by the (20) of the tragedy of September 11. But our people (21) remarkably to these challenges. Thanks to the continuous upgrading, (22) and expansion of our model range, we were able to increase our share of a generally declining world automotive market from 13.1% to 13.5%. Sales (23) increased by 6.5% to 88.5 billion. The profit before tax of 4.4 billion increased by a disproportionately high amount, (24) the previous year's figure by 18.6%. In 2001 we (25) eight new models and introduced numerous new engine (26) and equipment details. We will continue to expand global market (27) in the coming months and add to our model range with products. In order to (28) the competitiveness of our company, in the next five years, we plan to Invest 31.2 billion in (29) assets in the Automotive Division. The average investment ratio over the next five years will be reduced from 8.1% to 6.7%, which is at the levels of oar competitors. With our (30) brand and product portfolio, our skilled and (31) workforce, our commercial strength and our focus on (32) business, we expect to make further market sham gains for the coming year, while keeping oar competitive position strong. We therefore ask you once again to place your (33) in us as you have in the past. Yours sincerely, J. O'Neil Chairman (19) A.afflicted B.faced C.tested D.threatened

时间:2024-02-28 15:04:48


  • To understand a word, you have to read all the letters in it; to understand a sentence you have to read all the words in it.()

    A . 正确 B . 错误

  • Harry read the letter again lest he _________ anything important.

  • ?Read the article below about a successful company.? For each question 23-28 on the opposi

    ? Read the article below about a successful company. ? For each question 23-28 on the opposite page, choose the correct answer. ? Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. A Recipe for Success Not many companies can boast of having been in business for more than three and a half centuries. Yuzaburo Mogi, president and CEO of Kikkoman Corp. — the world's leading manufacturer of soy sauce — is well aware however that the company can't rest on its laurels if it's to successfully meet the challenge posed by its thousands of competitors globally. But Mogi — the first Japanese person to ever earn an MBA from the Columbia Business School in 1961 — loves a challenge. He learned American management methods through his studies at Colombia, as well as practical marketing know-bow thanks to his experience as a product demonstrator, serving soy sauce in supermarkets and at international trade fairs during his summer breaks from his studies at Columbia, which has been a source of inspiration for him through the years. In 1957, the company established Kikkoman International, Inc. in San Francisco in order to launch full-scale sales and marketing activities in the US. Test kitchens were built and home economists were recruited to come up with recipes for American-style. dishes using soy sauce. The recipes were introduced in newspaper articles, on tiny recipe books attached to the necks of soy sauce bottles, and in cookbooks. Kikkoman's strategy of building a global company that acts locally has contributed greatly to its growth. Kikkoman hires local people to operate its plants outside Japan, and develops marketing campaigns that appeal to consumers in overseas markets. The goal is to have consumers identify Kikkoman's products as the leading locally made products in its field. "We have seen our soy sauce becoming more and more a part of the American lifestyle," Mogi says. As he notes, Kikkoman has captured 56% of the US market, double that of its nearest competitor, and the company has the top share of the world market. Kikkoman is also a leader when it comes to quality. Its soy sauce is naturally brewed, unlike many of its rival products, which are chemically produced. Kikkoman's commitment to high quality has made it an unparalleled brand in recent decades, as consumers in the US and other countries have become more health-conscious and aware of the importance of truly natural food. "That is why our soy sauce has established itself as an all-purpose seasoning, a dependable ingredient, in kitchens around the globe," Mogl says. What has Mogi understood? A.A company should be more competitive. B.Successes in the past do not secure success in the future. C.Studying MBA can help a person be successful.

  • &8226;Read the article below about how to read annual report and the questions on the opposite page.

    &8226;For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose. How to read annual reports First, turn back to the report of the certified public accountant. This third-party auditor will tell you fight off the bat if Galaxy's report conforms with "generally accepted accounting principles". Then go to the footnotes. Check to see whether earnings are up or down. The footnotes often tell the whole story. Then turn to the letter from the chairman, Usually addressed "to our shareholders," it's up front -- and should be in more ways than one. The chairman's tone reflects the personality, the well- being of the company. In this letter, the chairman should tell you how the company fared this year. But more important, the letter should tell you why. Keep an eye out for sentences that start with "Except for..." and "Despite the..." They're clues to problems. On the positive side, a chairman's letter should give you insights into the company's future and its stance on economic or political trends that may affect it. Now begin digging into the numbers! One source is the balance sheet. It is a snapshot of how the company stands at a single point in time. On the top are assets -- everything the company owns. Things that can quickly be turned into cash are current assets. On the bottom are liabilities -- everything the company owes. Current liabilities are the debts due in one year, which are paid out of current assets. The difference between current assets and current liabilities is working capital, a key figure to watch from one annual report to another. If working capital shrinks, it could mean trouble, one possibility: the company may not be able to keep dividends growing rapidly. Owners' equity is the difference between total assets and liabilities. It is the presumed dollar value of what the owners or shareholders own. You want it to grow. The second basic source of numbers is the income statement. It shows how much money Galaxy made or lost over the year. Most people look at one figure first. It's in the income statement at the bottom: earnings per share. Watch out. It can fool you. Galaxy's management could boost earnings by selling off a plant. Or by cutting the budget for research and advertising. The number you .should look at first in the income statement is net sales. Ask yourself: are sales going up at a faster rate than the last time around? When sales increases start to slow, the company may be in trouble. Have sales gone down because the company is selling off a losing business? If so, profits may be soaring. Another important thing to study is the company's debt. Turn to the balance, and divide long-term liabilities by owners' equity. That's the debt-to- equity ratio. A high ratio means the company borrows a lot of money to spark its growth. That's okay -- if sales grow too, and d there's enough cash on hand to meet the payments. A company doing well on borrowed money can earn big profits for its shareholders. But if sales fall, watch out. The whole enterprise may slowly sink. Some companies can handle high ratios; others can't. Finally, you have to compare. Is the company's debt-to-equity ratio better or worse than it used to be? Better or worse than the industry norms? In company-watching, comparisons are all. They tell you if management is staying on top of things. According to the writer, the most important element of the chairman's letter is A.the expressions used. B.the explanations given by the chairman. C.the performance of the company during the year. D.the company's future described by the chairman.

  • &8226;Read the article below about job enrichment, a kind of way to promote the work efficiency of a company.

    &8226;Choose the correct word or phrase to fill each gap from A, B, C, or D. &8226;For each question 21—30, mark one letter (A, B, G, or D) on your Answer Sheet. Job Enrichment While pay is an attempt to reward zestful employees, job enrichment is an effort to motivate via the work itself. Job enrichment is the (21) of changing the job so that the work will appeal to employees’ higher-level needs. Its aim is to make the work more meaningful. First, job enrichment is merely (22) up, working harder at what you are doing. Second, it is not job (23) , merely adding another meaningless job. Some managers assume they are enriching subordinates’ work by adding their duties, but the duties must make the job more meaningful in order to be enriching. Third, rotating (24) tasks does not help, at least not very much. Fourth, job enrichment does not mean (25) away all the hard parts and making the task more routine. Then what is job enrichment? Job enrichment is based on Frederick Herzberg's two-factor theory of (26) . Herzberg argued that because job rotation and job enlargement do not provide workers with any additional responsibility or (27) over their jobs, they do not really enhance employee motivation. Job enrichment (28) to increase both the number of tasks a worker does and the control the worker has over the job. Many companies (29) job enrichment to improve the quality of work life for their employees. The (30) benefits of job enrichment are great, but it requires careful planning and execution. (21) A.purpose B.program C.project D.process

  • •Read the article below about a bank with a reputation for excellence.

    •Choose the best word or phrase to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page. •For each question (19-33), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. The bank with ideas with several hundred years of history behind it, the APL Bank has few problems in convincing businesses that it is a reputable and secure (19) of a range of banking services. Now, it is demonstrating to business customers that it is flexible and responsive enough to (20) their changing needs in the 21st century. Based in London, APL offers banking services to businesses throughout the UK via its branch (21) . Most customer service provision is (22) out by personal account managers based in local branches, together with (23) staff at company headquarters. An important (24) for APL has been to make it easy for customers to (25) business with the bank. They can contact their account manager by direct line or email; if the manager is on holiday, a carefully chosen colleague becomes the 'account contact' and (26) with the customer during the manager's (27) . In addition, for those who want (28) to their bank at any time of day or night there is now a 24-h0ur phone-based service. In order to remain competitive and build customer loyalty, the bank guarantees to turn around urgent loan (29) within 24 hours. This focus on the customer has also been a driving (30) in APL's recruitment and development policy. For example, newly inducted staff (31) a 'customer service review' to find out what it is like to be on the other side of the desk, asking to borrow money. Together, these (32) in banking have achieved excellent results. The customer (33) is growing fast, and last year the bank gained 36,000 new business accounts. (19) A.producer B.supplier C.provider D.giver

  • •Read the article below about the impact of technology on the environment.

    •Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page. •For each question 21-30, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. Business and the environment These days in business, people have to face many challenging questions when designing , and implementing new projects in undeveloped areas of the countryside. One issue which has to be faced is whether it is possible to introduce new technology without destroying the local environment. Economic (21) and environmental conservation are often seen as natural enemies. It is unfortunate that in the past this has often been true, and it has been necessary to choose between (22) the project or protecting the environment. However, by taking environmental considerations (23) at an early stage in a project, companies can significantly reduce any impact on local plants and animals. For example, in southern Africa, a company called CEL was asked to put up 410 km of a power transmission line without disturbing the rare birds which inhabit that area. The project was carried out with (24) disturbance last summer. What may surprise many business people is the fact that this consideration for local wildlife did not in any way (25) down the project. Indeed, the necessary advance planning (26) with local knowledge and advanced technology, (27) that the project was actually completed ahead of schedule. CEL was contracted to finish the job by October and (28) to do so two months earlier. CEL is one of those companies which is (29) to the principle of environmental conservation. Many other companies have yet to be (30) of the importance of balancing the needs of people with those of the environment. However, it may be the only realistic way forward. (21) A.development B.progression C.rise D.increase

  • ?Read the letter below about a kind of service off...

    ?Read the letter below about a kind of service offered by a company. ?In most of the lines 41-52 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. ?If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. ?If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. Kelly Associates Investigative Consultants I hope that you are enjoying the challenge of your tour in the United States of America. Perhaps my firm can be of much service to you in meeting that 41 challenge. Kelly Associates specializes in the prevention and detection of 42 the business frauds, which are making a significant problem in the United States. 43 The US Department of Justice estimates that frauds will cost US businesses 44 more than $90 billion per year. That is nearly 10 percent of the US Gross 45 National Product. Much of our experience involves in frauds by unscrupulous 46 US businessmen against foreign firms and foreign governments. Regrettably, we 47 have nearly always been engaged after the economic damage has been done and 48 embarrassment is unavoidable. We will, of course, continue to conduct out such 49 inquiries, but we would prefer to prevent from these frauds through earlier 50 investigations. I am enclosing a brochure that reflecting some of our 51 qualifications.' Whenever you feel you need to know more about both companies 52 or individuals with whom your government or compatriots are preparing to do business, please call on us. We assure you of our complete discretion. (41)

  • ?Read the article below about golf and business.?For each question 23-28 on the opposite p

    ? Read the article below about golf and business. ? For each question 23-28 on the opposite page, choose the correct answer. ? Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. Mixing Business and Golf It's no secret in corporate circles that golf and business offer a near-perfect match. Where else but on a course can executives spend a leisurely four hours in such a private, sociable setting? What the is better way to strengthen a relationship with a client than by lifting a glass together after a round? For all of the game's popularity, though, there's an art of mixing business and golf. How well you behave yourself over those 18 holes — balancing business and friendship, dealing with competition and success — suggests to others how you might behave in the boardroom or around the bargaining table. "If you're out playing golf with your partners, hey, have at it," says John Hansen, a former software-company CEO who now heads the Colorado Institute of Technology. "But when you're playing golf in a business setting — whether with employees, partners, or customers — man, you'd better be hypersensitive about how you act." For starters, team the etiquette. There's a set of rules in golf that includes not talking when someone is hitting, not stepping in the line of a putt, and treating the course with respect. Another key to success is engaging your playing partners but avoiding the hard sell. Less-experienced business golfers, says Hansen, think they need to come back to the office with something to show for all their time spent away. Just focus on the personal side, he says, "I am expecting that, by the 18th hole, you know the spouse, you know their children, you know the church they go to, you know everything about them." Regardless of how serious your partners take the game, don't try to impress. The golf swing is difficult enough when you're relaxed. Add a degree of tension, and it becomes even harder. As CEO of RDA Corp. , a software development outfit outside Baltimore, Don Await plays a lot of business golf. "I've seen cases where people get so intimidated," he says. "You know, they're whiffing or hitting the ball three feet." Actually, most people do not pay much attention to what you shoot; they're too busy focusing on their own game. What people will remember is how enjoyable it was to play with you. What do businessmen think of business and golf? A.It is easier to make a deal while playing golf. B.Golf offers a chance for businessmen to know each other better. C.Playing golf together is one part of the deal.

  • &8226;Read the article below about a method of learning languages aimed at business people.

    &8226;Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page. &8226;For each question 21-30, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. Language learning for the busy executive If you've ever been told by your boss to improve your knowledge of a foreign language you'll know that success doesn't come quickly. It generally takes years to learn another language well and constant (21) to maintain the high standards required for frequent business use. Whether you study in a class, with audiocassettes, computers or on your (22) sooner or (23) every language course finishes and you must decide what to do next if you need a foreign language for your career. Business Audio Magazines is a new product designed to help you continue language study in a way that fits easily into your busy schedule. Each audiocassette (24) of an hour-long programme packed with business news, features and interviews in the language of your choice. These cassettes won't teach you how to order meals or ask for directions. It is (25) that you can do that already. Instead, by giving you an opportunity to hear the language as it's really spoken, they help you to (26) your vocabulary and improve your ability to use real language relating to, for example, that all-important marketing trip. The great advantage of using audio magazines is that they (27) you to perfect your language skills in ways that suit your lifestyle. For example, you can select a topic and listen in your car or hotel when away on business. No other business course is as (28) and the unique radio-magazine format is as instructive as it is entertaining. In addition to the audiocassette, this package includes a transcript. with a business glossary and a study (29) The components are structured so that intermediate and advanced students may use them separately or together (30) on their ability. (21) A.exercise B.performance C.practice D.operation

  • Pick out the appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

    A: Jim, you said you would not stay out late after school, didn&39;t you? B: Yes, mom, I did A: But it&39;s 10 o&39;clock now.【61】 B: Sorry. I&39;ve been to the hospital. A: What?【62】 B: No. I sent Jack to the hospital. A: Oh, really?【63】 B: He had a terrible headache on the way home. A: Is he better now? B:【64】 A: Good for you, my dear! I&39;m very glad you can help others. B:【65】 61. A. What should I do? B. Thank you, mom. C. Where have you been? D. Yes, he is. E. What was wrong with him? F. Were you sick?G. Where is the hospital? H. I&39;m sorry to hear that. 62. A. What should I do?B. Thank you, mom.C. Where have you been?D. Yes, he is.E. What was wrong with him?F. Were you sick?G. Where is the hospital?H. I&39;m sorry to hear that. 63. A. What should I do?B. Thank you, mom.C. Where have you been?D. Yes, he is.E. What was wrong with him?F. Were you sick?G. Where is the hospital?H. I&39;m sorry to hear that. 64. A. What should I do?B. Thank you, mom.C. Where have you been?D. Yes, he is.E. What was wrong with him?F. Were you sick?G. Where is the hospital?H. I&39;m sorry to hear that. 65. A. What should I do?B. Thank you, mom.C. Where have you been?D. Yes, he is.E. What was wrong with him?F. Were you sick?G. Where is the hospital?H. I&39;m sorry to hear that. 请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

  • Read the article below about a successful businessman. For each question (1 -6) below the

    Read the article below about a successful businessman. For each question (1 -6) below the article, choose the correct answer. Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. PACKAGE HOLIDAY SUCCESS Travel operator Joyflight is different from most of its rivals. UK package holiday companies would love to have plenty of repeat business. Instead, in an effort to attract trade, they are forced to spend enormous sums on marketing -- but they are operating in a very competitive market. So, although the big travel companies try hard to create attractive brands, if you ask the customers delayed at airports, many arent even sure which company theyve booked with. Ask customers of Joyflight, however, and this is probably their third or fourth holiday with the company. A Joyflight holiday doesnt come cheap; but for their customers this isnt an issue. The attraction is that they get an activity-based club which has escaped the notice of the general public. Even the location of the holiday is of minor importance. A high proportion of customers are families, because the adults are free to enjoy the activities on offer, while small children are in the care of people employed by Joyflight just for this purpose. These nannies get free flights and meals on top of their pay. Interestingly, most of the companys senior managers began at the bottom: for example, Linda Robinson, the marketing Manager, came as a ski guide in 1996, went away to set up her own catering business, sold it for a considerable sum, and returned to Joyflight in 2001. The companys performance over the years means that it gets a steady stream of offers from large tour operators wanting to buy the company. Micheal Knight, who started the firm, came very close to selling it for £ 40 million a few years ago. But at the last minute, Barmond, the potential buyer, was itself taken over by an American travel company which didnt see a place for Joyflight in the group. So where does that leave Joyflight? Despite greatly increasing its turnover in the past four years, the company has a careful attitude to expansion. Its decision not to sell skiing holidays in North America proved the right one when many of its rivals failed to persuade British travellers to take the ten-hour flight. Learning from experiences like these, Joyflights two recent departures from its main activity are the acquisitions of restaurant chains in Spain and Italy. And as for moving into the mass market for its holidays? Joyflight is much too successful to want to do that. Joyflight differs from most other UK travel operators in ______. A.the cost of its holidays. B.the places where it advertises. C.the number of repeat booking it has.

  • Read the email below about advertising. Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, Read the email below about advertising. Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B or C on the opposite page. For each question ()

    A.By B.During C.Within

  • &8226;Read the article below about British companies and their performance in the American market, and the questions on the opposite page.

    &8226;For each question (13-18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. BRITISH COMPANIES CROSS THE ATLANTIC Next month a large group of British business people are going to America on a venture which may generate export earnings for their companies' shareholders in years to come. A long list of sponsors will support the initiative, which will involve a &3-million media campaign and a fortnight of events and exhibitions. The ultimate goal is to persuade more Americans that British companies have something to interest them. While there have been plenty of trade initiatives in the past, the difference this time round is that considerable thinking and planning have gone into trying to work nut just what it is that Americans look for in British products. Instead of exclusively promoting the major corporations, this time there is more emphasis on supporting the smaller, more unusual, niche businesses. Fresh in the memories of ail those concerned is the knowledge that America has been the end of many a large and apparently successful business. For Carringtons, a retail group much respected by European customers and investors, America turned out to be a commercial disaster and the belief that they could even show some of the great American stores a retailing trick or two was hopelessly over-optimistic. Polly Brown, another very British brand that rode high for years on good profits and huge city confidence, also found that conquering America, in commercial and retailing terms, was not as easy as it had imagined. When it positioned itself in the US as a niche, luxury brand, selling shirts that were priced at $40 in the UK for $125 in the States, the strategy seemed to work But once its management decided it should take on the middle market, this success rapidly drained away. It was a disastrous mistake and the high cost of the failed American expansion plans played a large role in its declining fortunes in the mid-nineties. Sarah Scott, managing director of Smythson, the upmarket stationer, has had to think long and hard about what it takes to succeed in America and she takes it very seriously indeed. 'Many British firms are quite patronising about the US,' she says. 'They think that we're so much more sophisticated than the Americans. They obviously haven't noticed Ralph Lauren, an American who has been much more skilled at tapping into an idealised Englishness than any English company. Also, many companies don't bother to study the market properly and think that because something's successful in the UK, it's bound to be successful over there. You have to look at what you can bring them that they haven't already got. On the whole, American companies are brilliant at the mass, middle market and people who've tried to take them on at this level have found it very difficult.' This time round it is just possible that changing tastes are running in Britain's favour. The enthusiasm for massive, centralised retail chains has decreased. People want things with some sort of individuality; they are fed up with the banal, middle-of-the-road taste that America does so well. They are now looking for the small, the precious, the 'real thing', and this is precisely what many of the companies participating in the initiative do best. The main reason that the British business people are going to America is to A.encourage American consumers to buy their products. B.analyse how American companies attract media coverage. C.look for financial backing from American investors and banks. D.investigate how British and American companies could form. partnerships.

  • &8226;Read the article below about credit card in America, and the questions on the opposite page.

    &8226;For each question 13--18, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose. HOW THE CREDIT CARD CAPTURED AMERICA The proliferation of platinum American Express cards in the 1980s spawned rumors of an ultimate, highly exclusive, never publicized "Black Card". Carried by billionaires, it reportedly allowed holders to demand private shopping sprees at the world's most exclusive shops and to summon helicopters in the middle of Sahara. American express vehemently denies the existence of such a charge card. But the persistence of the myth suggests the social importance credit cards have for so many Americans. As one business writer puts it, "to have one's credit cards canceled is now akin to being excommunicated by the medieval church." America's love affair with the credit card began in 1949, when businessman Frank X. McNamara finished a meal in a New York restaurant and then discovered he had no cash. In those days, gasoline and store charge cards were common, but cash was standard for almost everything else. The embarrassed McNamara called his wife, who rushed over to bail him out. His predicament gave him the idea for Diners Club. Within a year some 200 people carried the world's first multi-use credit card. The problem was to persuade enough people to carry the cards. Diners Club turned to promotions. It gave away a round-the-world trip on a popular television show. The winners charged their expenses and made it "from New York to New York without a die in their pockets". Banks, sensing among less affluent a pent-up desire to spend, began issuing cards of their own. The first to turn a profit was Bank of America's Bank Americard. Bankers from all over the country descended on its California headquarters to learn the secret of its success--so many that in 1966 Bank Americard, today known as Visa, began forming alliances with banks outside the state. The Bank Americard network soon faced a competitor when Wells Fargo Bank joined with 77 others to create what became Master Charge. After scooping up 1.3 million more "Everything Card" holders from what was then First National City Bank, Master Charge--today's Master Card--became for a while the biggest bank card in the country. Five million holiday credit-card shoppers would have created a bonanza for the banks, but in the rush to market, the hanks had been less than cautious in assembling their lists. Some families received 15 cards. Dead people and babies got cards. Even a dachshund named Alice Griffin was sent one that promised she would be welcomed as a "preferred customer" at Chicago's finest restaurants. Hundreds of Chicagoans discovered they could use or sell a car they "found", and by law, the person whose name appeared on it was liable for the charges--even if he or she had never requested or received the card. When the prime rate hit 20% in 1981, the banks found that consumers didn't mind paying rates of 18--22% on their credit-card balance. High interest rates helped attract new players into the credit-card area, including sears' Discover Card and Visa. Airlines, car and insurance companies, even long-distance phone companies allied themselves with banks to offer credit cards. Experts estimate there are from 15, 000 to 19, 000 different cards available in the country. Of course, credit cards have not only replaced cash for many purposes, but also in effect have created cash by making it instantly available virtually everywhere. The credit-card advance is becoming as ubiquitous as the automated teller machine. What is the rumor of "Black card"? A.The holder can spend freely at the best shops. B.The credit card allows holders to pay their check without cash. C.The holders can summon helicopters in desert. D.The credit card is very important in American society.

  • Read the article below about a website.Are sentences 1-7 on the opposite page Right or Wro

    Read the article below about a website. Are sentences 1-7 on the opposite page Right or Wrong? If there is not enough information to answer Right or Wrong, choose Doesnt Say. For each sentence 1-7, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. Here we Google again Google dominates the Internet-search business, such as Netscape once ruled in Web browsers and RealNetworks did in media players. Begun as a research project by two graduate students in 1998, Google today carries out more than 200 million searches a day and is estimated to have had $1 billion income last year, mainly from advertising sector. It is the most visited search site, accounting for 35% of search-engine visits — compared with 28% for Yahoo, 16% for AOL and 15% for Microsofts MSN, according to comScore Networks, a market-research company. But that masks its true influence. Googles technology is used to power searches on other sites, such as Yahoo and AOL (though Yahoo plans to use its own technology soon). Taking this into account makes Google responsible for around 80% of all Internet searches. The company is now preparing for a stock market flotation in the next few months. Googles power makes it just the sort of company that Microsoft typically tries to squash. At the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, Mr Gates admitted that Googles search technology was "way better" than Microsofts, and identified Internet search as a key focus for his company. Google, Netscape and RealNetworks all play a very important role in their own field. A.Right B.Wrong C.Doesn"t Say

  • &8226;Read the article below about business and customers and the questions on the opposite page.

    &8226;For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D)on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose. Focus on Your Customer If you think of the most successful companies around the world -- GM, Wal-Mart, IBM, etc. -- they all have one thing in common: loyal customers. It can cost ten to twenty times as much to acquire a customer as to retain one, so it's easy to understand why customer relationship management is such a hot concept. But, while everyone understands CRM is a good thing, putting a CRM strategy together isn't easy. The place to start? A customer-driven business model. A customer-driven business model is the most prudent method of ensuring customer loyalty because it fosters a better relationship with new and existing customers. Others such as market, price, cost or e-commerce-driven business models may generate profits, but fall short of sustaining a loyal customer base. At the heart of customer-driven business model is a clear understanding of the customer -- not just customer trends (although this is useful information, too), but the buying habits and history of every one of your customers. This 360-degree view provides analytics from multiple channels (direct, web, fax, E-mail, call center, sales/marketing) and consolidates into a common repository. Monitoring buying habits and tracking market dynamics lets you more effectively market new and existing products and services. If you think this is a daunting task, you aren't alone. Because most enterprises don't have a consolidated view of their customers, obtaining customer profit and cost information is often a Herculean effort. Implementing a CRM solution is usually a huge project with a high probability of failure. Some analysts suggest most businesses underestimate the cost of a CRM Implementation by 40~75 percent. In fact, a successful CRM will interface with ERP systems to provide integration with all customer interactions such as order processing, billing. Also, CRM strategies must include commitment and sponsorship from senior management, as it should be deemed a strategic investment that is implemented incrementally and evolutionary. Understanding critical success factors, such as those listed in the "Key to CRM Success" sidebar, mitigates the risks. First, start with a cultural change that focuses on a customer-centric business strategy. Make sure your organization is well aware of the high cost of customer attrition and is focused on improving retention, increasing loyalty. Understanding and broadcasting the cost of acquiring new customers versus fostering existing relationships. Second, focus on an enterprise view of the customer that encompasses all customer data, such as communication history, purchasing behaviors, channel preferences, demographics, etc. Understand your customers' preferred channels and determine if there's some way to optimize them. Adopt a flexible architecture that will expand with your business -- this is true with any IT project. Never deploy a strategic, costly solution using the big-bang approach. Always take an incremental, evolutionary, or iterative approach. The impact to your organization can be significant, thus, proceed slowly and ensure the returns on investment measures are in place. The first paragraph indicates that loyal customers A.help reduce costs of the company. B.are quite common around the world. C.produce huge profits. D.are costly to develop.

  • &8226;Read the article below about service production and the questions on the opposite page.

    &8226;For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose. The importance of satisfaction and morale Broadly speaking, job satisfaction is the degree of enjoyment that people derive from performing their jobs. If people enjoy their work, they are relatively satisfied; if they do not enjoy their work, they are relatively dissatisfied. In turn, satisfied employees are likely to have high morale -- the overall attitude that employees have toward their workplace. Morale reflects the degree to which they perceive that their needs are being met by their jobs. It is determined by a variety of factors, including job satisfaction and satisfaction with such things as pay benefits, coworkers, and promotion opportunities. (8) Some large firms, for example, have instituted companywide programs designed specifically to address employees' needs. Employees at SAS institute, a large software development company in North Carolina, enjoy private offices, a free health clinic, two on-site day-care centers, flexible work hours with 35-hour work weeks, a company-subsidized cafeteria, and year-end bonuses and profit sharing. Managers at Hyatt Hotels report that conducting frequent surveys of employee attitudes, soliciting employee input, and -- most important -- acting on that input give their company an edge in recruiting and retaining productive workers. (9) For example, First Tennessee, a midsize regional bank, believes that work and family are so closely related that family considerations should enter into job design. Thus, it offers such benefits as on-site child care. When workers are satisfied and morale is high, the organization benefits in many ways. Compared with dissatisfied workers, for example; satisfied employees are more committed and loyal. (10) In addition, they tend to have fewer grievances and engage in fewer negative behaviors (complaining, deliberately slowing their work pace, and so forth) than dissatisfied counterparts. Finally, satisfied workers tend not only to come to work every day but also to remain with the organization. By promoting satisfaction and morale, then, management is working to ensure more efficient operations. Conversely, the costs of dissatisfaction and poor morale are high. Dissatisfied workers are far more likely to be absent for minor illnesses, personal reasons; or a general disinclination to go to work. (11) High levels of turnover have many negative consequences, including the disruption of production schedules, high retraining costs and decreased productivity. (12) The results of one recent study shows that companies with the highest levels of satisfaction and morale significantly outperformed the 300 largest US companies over both 5 and 10 years. Of course, many other factors contributed to the performance of both sets of companies, but these differences nevertheless can not be ignored. A Low morale may also result in high turnover -- the ratio of newly hired to currently employed workers. B In turn, satisfied employees are likely to have high morale -- the overall attitude that employees have toward their workplace. C In fact, evidence suggests that job satisfaction and employee morale may directly affect a company's performance. D Such employees are more likely to work hard and to make useful contributions to the organization. E Managers of smaller businesses realize that the personal touch can reap big benefits in employee morale and even devotion. F Companies can involve employee morale and job satisfaction in a variety of ways. G In

  • &8226;Read the article below about losing an accent to achieve success, and the questions on the opposite page.

    &8226;For each question 18--18, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose. LOSING AN ACCENT TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS It was painful for Irwin Layton to warn one of his recently promoted managers that he had to correct his speech--or it could cost him his career. The word "voltage" came out of Edwin's mouth sounding like "woltage", and "this" sounded like "dis". This often resulted in mistakes being made in the shipments he ordered. "I was really forced into submission. They said, 'Either you improve your accent or your chances of getting promoted to senior management won't be good,'" said Edwin. Edwin is a junior manager making $ 51,000 a year at a manufacturing company in Mountain View. Despite of mixed feelings, he hired a speech coach to help him out. He is not alone. Accent reduction is rapidly turning into a major business for speech coaches in the Bay Area and other large cities. Young, first-generation foreign professionals in America hoping to improve their careers appear to make up the majority of those paying to get rid of their accents. "I have people whose command of English is good--they've gone to universities here in the United States, but when they go into the workplace, they are held back," said Arthur Compton, founder of the Institute of Language & Phonology in San Francisco. Edwin said he was embarrassed and tried to ignore incidents throughout his career when colleagues would point out his accent and do imitations of his pronunciations for fun. Edwin's experiences early in his career made him very sensitive to the problems he faced with his accent, and, like many others, he compensated by pushing himself to great extremes in education. "I felt that just because I had an accent, some people thought I was stupid," Edwin said. "They lost patience. They did not want to wait to listen for what I was trying to say. It made me feel so bad. I knew I had so much to offer--my primary motive for working there was to do what I could to improve the company. Yet, none of that seemed to matter to them because they didn't have patience." Speech coaches and many other professionals say that some Americans have a prejudice against those who speak with an accent. Losing an accent is hard work. Each language has certain sounds, as we can tell from the many different alphabets, that are just not found in other languages. We learn as babies to make these sounds by moving the lips, mouth, and tongue muscles in set patterns. So a speech coach tries and resets these patterns for people who speak other languages. For 13 weeks, and at a cost of $ 795, Edwin spent an hour each week with a speech instructor, pronouncing, over and over again, compound words such as "zookeeper", preposition phrases such as "in regard to", as well as words such as "this" and "voltage", all the while looking into a mirror at his mouth. Seeing himself allowed him to have a visual image to go along with the sounds he was making. "When class was over, I was exhausted," he said. But following the long procession of lessons, he improved by 78 percent, received a healthy injection of confidence, and admitted that he should have done it sooner. His boss, Layton, called it a "win-win" situation, and is so enthusiastic that he is sponsoring a second employee in the program. How did Mr. Edwin's accent bring trouble to his work? A.He could not get along well with his colleagues. B.He made mistakes at work just because of his accent. C.His talent and passion for work were ignored. D.Both B and C.

  • Read the advertisement below for a hot drinks mach...

    Read the advertisement below for a hot drinks machine. Are sentences 1-7 "Right" or "Wrong"? If there is not enough information to answer "Right" or "Wrong", choose "Doesnt Say" . For each sentence (16-22), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. ADVERTISING FEATURE Save Money and Keep Your Staff Happy It can be expensive to keep the canteen open to serve drinks to your staff through the day. Our QVM hot drinks machine replaces this service, so that you can close the canteen between mealtimes. You can install the QVM hot drinks machine anywhere in the building. One machine is suitable for a staff of ten to fifteen people. It costs £ 1300 to buy, or £ 11 per week to rent over 60 months. It is not expensive to operate, for example, the cost of power for one day is 30p, nearly as cheap as the price of one hot drink from the machine. Our company will carry out a weekly service, at a charge of £ 10. We can also refill the machine with drinks ingredients for an extra charge of £ 8. Some customers prefer to do this themselves, however. There are eight choices of hot drink available from the QVM machine, and our company offers one months trial free of charge, so that you can estimate how popular the machine will be and, see what the actual savings are. With a QVM machine, companies can avoid having a canteen altogether. A.Right B.Wrong C.Doesn"t say

  • •Read the text below about an accountant.

    •Choose the best word to fill each gap, from A, B, C or D. •For each question 19 33 mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. •There is an example at the beginning, Charlie Has a Chance to Get Ahead Charlie is employed known an accountant in a small assembly plant in the Midwest. In his seven years at Astro-Technology, he has become (19) with most of the 200 employees and enjoys the (20) of his office and the company attitude toward him. However, in the past three years, he has not received a promotion, and there is little chance for one in the near future. The raises he has (21) have not kept up with inflation. He has discussed the situation frequently with his wife, Rita, who is. working as a personnel officer at a research firm in town. Although Rita has never told Charlie, she feels that her job has more status than his (22) Charlie earns slightly more than income, she has more flexible hours, more holidays with pay, better company fringe benefits, and apparently more status when the two companies' organizational charters are (23) Rita enjoys her present position and the salary she receives. The two daughters are doing well in grammar school and are active in girl scouts and the 4H Club. A month ago Charlie (24) a new position for an accountant in their home office in Dallas. He knows that his company has a (25) of promoting from within, and his supervisor feels that he would have a good chance of getting the position. It would mean an immediate 15 percent (26) in pay; more prestige, because he would have a private officer and more (27) for promotions. He applied for the position, but was afraid to tell his wife. When the interview was (28) he informed Rita that he had to go to Dallas for a seminar. Charlie was (29) with Dallas and the possible neighbourhoods his family could select to make their home. The home office was impressive! Dark walnut and chrome were everywhere, and the personnel in the office were very friendly. After a tour of the facility he had an interview with five managers. A week later he was (30) that he was one of the three finalists. He was excited and eager to accept the position if it was offered him. That night, when he told Rita, she Was (31) The move would mean they would have to leave their lovely home that they had been remodeling over the last seven years. The girls would have to find new friends. Finally and most (32) could Rita find a job as good as the one she has? It seemed unfair to force her to move and give up a good job, just so Charlie could satisfy his own (33) It turned into a real argument. Charlie wanted to move and Rita did not. Charlie was saying that he is a striver and Rita was saying she is happy with their status in life. (19) A.known B.acquainted C.acquaint D.knowed

  • Read the advertisement below about a consultant vacancy. Choose the correct word to fill Read the advertisement below about a consultant vacancy. Choose the correct word to fill each gap, from A, B, or C on the opposite page. For each question 29-40, mark one letter ()

    A.in B.over C.on

  • •Read the text below about a European rail service and the questions below the passage.

    •For each question (13-18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer sheet for the answer you choose. Success of New Rail Links in Europe The Eurostar company is now running frequent train services using the tunnel built beneath the sea between Britain and France. Millions of passengers have already travelled on Eurostar trains and there are now twenty services a day between London and Paris and nine between London and Brussels. Eurostar has already won 40% of all passengers from the UK to Paris and Brussels but further growth will depend on the business market. The early morning departure to Paris is proving popular, especially for business people from London who need to do a full day's work in the French capital. However. exactly how many of Eurostar's passengers are business travellers is unknown. While first-class accommodation has been 70% fill, many of these passengers are travelling on holiday: one travel agent estimates Eurostar has only 20% of the business travel market. Meanwhile, tour operators report a sharp rise in the sale of short trips to Paris. which, they claim, is largely due to the possibility of travelling by Eurostar. As Eurostar increases the frequency of daily journeys over the next year. it will need more business travellers than ever to fill its trains. However, business travel agents feel that some aspects of Eurostar service could be improved. According to one large business travel agent. "Eurostar's marketing has been poor and it needs to look more closely at doing commercial deals with large travel agents and corporations to become more attractive than airlines". British travel agents alone are now spending over £1 million a month with Eurostar. Naturally, they are expecting Eurostar to provide some good deals and flexible tickets. Eurostar is hoping to attract more customers as it expands its network of services. Already, train journeys between London and Paris stop at a few towns and cities enroute. There will also be daytime and overnight services front eighteen other British cities to Paris and Brussels, and planning is in progress for services from London to cities in Holland and Germany. Soon, many major towns and cities in Britain and other European countries will have regular direct connections within Eurostar's network. The demand for Eurostar is forcing airlines to use smaller planes on the London-Paris and London-Brussels service, two of the busiest air routes in the world. One British airline reports a 15% decline in ticket sales to both Paris and Brussels. The crucial marketing aspect in business travel is frequency, Rather than cut frequency, airlines have reduced the size of their aircraft to prevent further losses. However, the large airlines will find it easier to maintain their flight schedules by introducing lower capacity planes. Eurostar threatens mainly the smaller airlines, which already have fewer services and smaller planes. Which of the following statements is not true about Eurostar company? A.Passengers can travel on its trains through the tunnel. B.It offers frequent train services front London to Paris. C.There are many passengers traveling on Eurostar. D.It offers a variety of services on the train every day.

  • &8226;Read the emails below.