
时间:2022-11-11 10:03:20


  • What is the author's attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?

    A.Critical. B.Indifferent. C.Prejudiced. D.Positive.

  • High-Tech Warfare(战争) Today, high-tech warfare is no longer an abstract concept, bu

    High-Tech Warfare(战争) Today, high-tech warfare is no longer an abstract concept, but a real issue. Technology__________________ (51) tactics, sociology, and the development of weaponry (武器).It also causes the changes in battles. Then what are the new characteristics of modern battles__________________ (52) by the application of high technologies? High-tech warfare naturally includes high technology. In modern battles, a single kind of weapon can hardly be__________________ (53). Various weaponry, such as intelligence detection and information processing, should__________________ (54) well with each other. Aerial (航空的) weaponry becomes the main force in battles in the sky. Precision homing(精确自导) weaponry like cruise missiles and missiles__________________ (55) satellite homing systems becomes the main attack weapons. Battle control systems play a dominant role. Various weapons and logistics (后勤)systems are__________________ (56) into a comprehensive framework, centrally representing the modern high-tech weaponry. Depending on various__________________(57) equipment and means in electronic warfare, our army will not be passively beaten.__________________ (58) the battlefield, high-tech warfare has created a type of non-linear (非线性) chaos. Because of the use of long-range precision weaponry, the opposite parties in warfare can't "touch" or "see" each other, and distance is no longer the decisive factor affecting the__________________ (59) of battles. It is hard to clearly define the lines between the frontier and the rear, as well as attack and defense. The traditional three-dimensional air-sea battlefield will be__________________ (60) by the multi-dimensional battlefield composed of air, sea, magnetic, electrical and information battlefields. No large-scale movements can be conducted__________________ (61). Because modern weaponry systems are closely related to chains of demand and communication and electronic technology, the parties__________________ (62) have to pay attention to the usufruct (使用权) and control of electromagnetic frequency spectrum. So electronic warfare becomes__________________ (63) important and the necessary guarantee of victory. Whatever__________________ (64) warfare goes to and whatever cloak (伪装) it wears, it always violates peace and brings the world bloodshed (流血). Most people think of high technology as a__________________ (65) to enhance their lives, and they don't wish it to be used to destroy lives. 第 51 题 A.uses B.adopts C.determines D.selects

  • 听力原文:M: Did you go to the Italian High-tech Exhibition in Tianjin University last month?

    W: Yes,it was wonderful.I particularly like the works by Da Vinci. M: I wish I had gone but I heard we had to wait for two hours to get the ticket. What are these two people talking about? A.They are talking about an Italian High-tech Exhibition. B.They are talking about the train tickets. C.They are talking about Tianjin University.

  • It's no secret: high-tech careers pay well, and there are lots of jobs that go begging.

    But are you right for a career in the computer world? Can someone with a history degree get a computer job? The answer is "yes", but it may be tough for you to break into the world of high-tech at first, and anything you have done relating to computers in addition to your studies will be to your advantage. First of all, keep in mind that the "computer" field today is vast. There are people from virtually every imaginable educational background working in high technology today. You'll find those with degrees in languages, communications, and education working in training departments, on website teams, and on documentation. Software programmers can come from virtually any background from art to history to philosophy to mechanical engineering. And there are more than a few well-known technology managers who have a background in psychology. But the beauty of the computer world is that experience matters as much as, if not more than your formal education. It helps, of course, if your degrees can act as confirmation of the skills you're trying to sell, but clearly if you have developed a verifiable skill in a hot area, you'll find work. The main message of the passage is that______. A.the computer world is also open to people with other degrees. B.the computer world is a tough and highly specialized one. C.people with non-computer degrees are unable to get good jobs. D.software programmers usually have degrees in computer science.

  • Which of the following best summrizes the min informtion of the pssge High-tech helWhich of the following best summrizes the min informtion of the pssge High-tech helps locte mny fscintingrcheologicl sites. B.Without high-tech, thercheologist’s work would come to stop C.High-tech is hs tken the plce of shovelsnd picks. D.High-tech mkes thercheologist’s work more fruitful.

    A.High-tech helps locate many fascinating archeological sites. B.Without high-tech, the archeologist’s work would come to a stop C.High-tech is has taken the place of shovels and picks. D.High-tech makes the archeologist’s work more fruitful.

  • China's recent policy will bring the high-tech benefits of the West back to _____ China's modernization()

    A.cause B.expect C.fuel D.cherish