听力原文:M1: Hi, I stopped by to see if you were still looking for a roommate to share your house.

M2: Yeah, I sure am. Ever since I cut back on my working hours to go to school, I've been really strapped fog cash. M1: Oh. M2: Let me show you the place. Uh, here's the living room. M1: Oh. It looks like you could use a new carpet ... and those stains? M2: Well. I know it needs to be cleaned, but I just don't have the money to do it right now. M1: What about the kitchen? M2: Right this way. Look. It's completely furnished with all the latest appliances, except... M1: What? M2: Well, the refrigerator door is broken ... a little bit ... and it won't shut all the way. It needs fixing, but don't worry. It isn't that bad. M1: Well how about the bathroom? Don't tell me the toilet is clogged or the sink has a few leaks. M2: No, those work fine, but, uh, the window needs fixing. M1: Let me see. Where's the window pane? M2: Well, that's another slight problem. I've put up a piece of cardboard to keep out the rain and snow, and if it gets a little cold, you can always turn up the heat. M1: I can't believe you've survived under these conditions. M2: So what do you think? You really can't beat a place like this for $450 a month. So it has its problems, but we can fix those. M1: Uh, no thank you. I think I've seen enough. Why does Dave need a roommate? A.He was laid off from his job and needs someone to pay for the rent. B.He is working fewer hours and is short of money. C.He quitted his job to go back to school. D.He needs someone to make a friend with.

时间:2023-01-21 09:50:26


  • 听力原文:M: Hi, honey. I'm stuck in traffic. There has apparently been a big accident up ahead. We are just not moving.

    W: That's too bad. Where are you? M: I'm on the Garden City expressway near the sport stadium. I was on my way to drop off some samples at a new client's office and then I was going to pick up Billy from kindergarten. But now I'm afraid I won't be able to get there on time. Is there any chance you could get away early? W: Should be fine. What are the speakers mainly discussing? A.A problem caused by traffic jam B.The time to meet a new client C.The place to drop off the samples D.The way to get to the kindergarten

  • 听力原文:M: Hi, could you tell me where the conference is being held? I've already registered for it.

    W: In the Convention Hall on the second floor, sir. M: Thanks. Also, do you know when Professor Ferguson's presentation is going to be? I hope I haven't missed it! W: One of the volunteers at that desk will be able to tell you. What does the man want to know? A.When a meeting will start. B.Whether there are enough chairs. C.How to go to the second floor. D.Where an event is being held.

  • 听力原文:M: Hi, Susan, you are so lucky to be done with your final exams and term papers. I still have two more finals to take.

    W: Really? M: Yeah, so what are you doing this summer, anything special? W: Well, actually yeah. My parents have always liked taking my brother and me to different places in our country. You know, places with historical significance. I guess they wanted to reinforce the stuff we learned in school about history. And so even though we are older now, they still do once in a while. M: Oh so where are you going this summer? W: Well, this summer it's finally going to be Yan'an. M: Finally? You mean they never took you yet? I mean Yan'an; it's probably the most famous revolutionary base in the country. It's only a couple of hours ride by train. I think that would be one of the first places where they should have taken you. I have been there a couple of times. W: We were going to go about five years ago, but something happened. I cannot remember what changed our plans. Yeah, don't ask me what it was, but we ended up not going anywhere that year. I hope that doesn't happen again this year. M: I wrote a paper about the revolutionary activities in Yan'an last semester for a history class after I visited it for the fifth time last summer. The trip really helped a lot. W: And now I'm even more excited to see the place. (20) A.Final examination. B.Family education. C.Summer plan. D.Historic places.

  • 听力原文:M: Now I am going to start off by asking you a difficult question. Why do you get this post?

    W: Well, first of all, I know that your firm has a very good reputation. Then I've heard you offer good opportunities for promotion for the right person. Q: What do we know from the conversation? (17) A.The woman is being interviewed by a reporter. B.The woman is asking for a promotion. C.The woman is applying for a job. D.The woman is being given an examination.

  • 听力原文:W:Are you going to accept the job offered by that famous motor company? I think it's a good opportunity.

    M:Not yet. I'm still waiting for the letters from other companies. Q:What does the man mean? (18) A.He will write a letter to another company. B.He has received many job offers. C.He hasn't accepted the job offer. D.He will let the woman have the job.

  • 听力原文:I don't intend to stop by the post office, but I will go to the drug store and to the laundry after I see the doctor.

    (24) A.Though I don't plan to go to the post office, after I see the doctor, I change my mind. B.I will go to the drug store first after finishing laundry. C.The first thing I will do is to see the doctor. D.I won't go to the post office unless it's on the way of seeing a doctor.

  • 听力原文:W: I haven't seen you here for a couple weeks. Have you stopped eating or something?

    M: No. Does it look like I've stopped eating? I've been spending a lot of time in the library. W: Working on a paper? M: I wish I was working on a paper! I'm working on three different papers: anthropology, English literature, and history. W: Wow, that is a lot of work. M: Yeah, and what's frustrating is that I'm studying the nineteenth century British Empire in all three classes, but I can't just write a single paper for all three. W: Why not? M: The professors won't let me even if I make it three times as long as the suggested length. W: That's too bad. Could you write your papers on three aspects of one topic? M: Hmm. What do you mean? Do you have something in mind? W: Well, let's see. Hmm... Maybe you could do something with Romanticism, like, ohh.., write your anthropology paper on the cultural basis of Romanticism, and, uh, your history paper on the influence of the Romantic poets on British foreign policy, and, OK, and your English paper on an analysis of some Romantic poems. M: Hey, that's not a bad idea! I've already started the research for one of the papers, so I can use that. What can I do to repay you? W: You want to write up my chemistry paper for me? M: I'd love to, but I've never taken chemistry, so I'm not sure you'd like the results. W: Oh well, no thanks necessary then. I'll do it myself. Have a good weekend, and try to get out of the library and get some sleep. You have big circles under your eyes. M: OK, I'll try. See you later. (23) A.Writing papers for his classes. B.Preparing for the coming exam in the library. C.Doing extra work in the chemistry lab. D.Working overtime at a library.

  • 听力原文:M: I have to fill out these forms. They are due at the financial aid office by tomorrow afternoon.

    W: You were just complaining about how broke you are. If I were you, I'd make that my first priority. What does the woman mean? (16) A.The man is looking for a new job. B.The man is suffering from his broken leg. C.The man is in short of money. D.The man has an interview tomorrow afternoon.

  • 听力原文:M: I am sorry to inform. you that you have been replaced by a computer at the office.

    W: I see. So a machine can be more capable than a man. What do we learn from the conversation? A.The woman will work together with a machine. B.The machine has been replaced by a man. C.The woman lost her job. D.The woman was happy to work with a capable computer.

  • 听力原文:W: Well, Jack, I would offer you another drink but I have guests coming and I haven't even begun to prepare the dinner. Thanks for stopping by.

    M: Thanks for the drink. It has been nice seeing you too. Q: Why did the woman mention her dinner guests? (18) A.To invite the man to join them. B.To suggest politely that he leave. C.To offer to let him help cook. D.To encourage him to have another drink.

  • 听力原文:M: Hi, Janet. You are so lucky to be done with your final exams and term papers. I still have two more finals to take.

    W: Really? M: Yeah. W: So what are you doing this summer, anything special? M: Well, actually yeah. My parents have always liked taking my sister and me to different places in the United States. You know, places with historical significance. I guess they wanted to reinforce the stuff we learned in school about history. And so even though we are older now, they still do once in a while. Oh so where are you going this summer? W: Well, this summer it's finally going to be Gettysburg. M: Finally? You mean they never took you yet? I mean Gettysburg. It's probably the most famous Civil War site in the country. It's only a couple of hours away. I thought that would be one of the first places that they' d have taken you. I have been there a couple of times. W: We were going to go about ten, well, no, it was exactly ten years ago, but I don' t know, something happened, 1 cannot remember what. M: Something changed your plans? W: Yeah, don't ask me what it was, but we ended up not going anywhere that year. I hope that doesn't happen again this year. I wrote a paper about Gettysburg last semester for a history class I was taking. Well, about the political situation in the United States right after the battle at Gettysburg. ,So I'm eager to see the place. (23) A.Places the man has visited. B.A paper the woman is writing for a class. C.School activities they enjoy. D.The woman's plans for the summer.

  • 听力原文:M: Hi, Margaret, where were you at dinner-time? I was saving a seat for you in the coffee shop.

    W: Oh, sorry to miss you. But my thirst for knowledge was greater than my pains of hunger. M: So where were you? W: My physical science class ran overtime. Actually, what happens is that some of us hang around for a while after class to talk with our professor and ask him questions. M: Who is this 21st century's Newton? W: Professor Greg, have you heard of him? M: Yes. He does have a good reputation in the Physical Science Department. W: And a well deserved one. The same students who Pall asleep in discussion group fight for front-row seats in his lectures. M: Oh, on. I hope this isn't amazing. W: You can joke. But it's great to have a professor who's not only interesting but prepares to give up time to students. M: I know it is really rare. Maybe I should sit in his class some time. Do you think he'd care? W: Not at all. Lots of students bring their friends. He says he feels flattered. M: Well, just to be safe, I think I'll bring my dinner along as well. W: I'll make a good student of you yet. (20) A.In the coffee shop. B.Discussing physical problem in the classroom. C.Working on a science problem at home. D.Reading 20th century literature in the hbrary.

  • 听力原文:W: Hi! I'm calling about the three-bedroom house you advertised in yesterday's paper. It sounds really nice.

    M: It is-especially if you have children. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? (13) A.They're talking about nice children. B.The man has a house for sale. C.The woman lives in a nice house. D.The man has three children.

  • 听力原文:M: Hi, Rachel, I want to travel around Europe this summer. Would you like to be my partner?

    W: Oh, travel around Europe? That's crazy! Let me think about it. What does Rachel think about the man? A.She thinks he is crazy. B.She doesn't like his idea. C.She approves of his idea. D.She thinks he should stay at home.

  • 听力原文:M: Hi, Janet, you're so lucky to be done with your final exams and term paper. I still have two more finals to take.

    W: Really? M: Yeah, so what're you doing this summer, anything special? W: Well, actually yeah. My parents have always liked taking my sister and me to different places in the United States. You know, places with historical significance. I guess they wanted to reinforce the stuff we learned in school about history. And so even though we are older now, they still do once in a while. M: Oh, so where are you going this summer? W: Well, this summer. It's finally going to be Gettysburg. M: Finally? You mean they never took you there yet? I mean Gettysburg. It's probably the most famous civil war site in the country. It's only a couple of hours away. I think that would be one of the first places that they've taken you. I have been there a couple of times. W: We were gonna to be about ten, well, no, it was exactly ten years ago. But I don't know. Something happened, I cannot remember what... M: Something changed your plans. W: Yeah, don't ask me what it was, but we ended up not going anywhere that year. I hope that doesn't happen again this year. I wrote a paper about Gettysburg last semester for a history class. I was to make a thorough investigation on the political situation in the United States right after the battle at Gettysburg, so I'm eager to see the place. (23) A.Their final exams and papers. B.Plans for the coming summer. C.A wonderful visit to Gettysburg. D.Their parents' traveling habits.

  • 听力原文:M: I ran all the way to the bus stop, but the man at the ticket counter told me the bus left only 5 minutes ago.

    W: That's too bad. Those buses leave only every 50 minutes. Q: How long does the man have to wait? (16) A.40 minutes. B.50 minutes. C.45 minutes. D.55 minutes.

  • 听力原文:W Hi, this is Jean with Crescent Plumbing. I'm calling for an inventory check on part R71-B — that's a drain under fitting in the bronze finish.

    M Okay, let me pull it up on screen... R71-B... Okay Jean, I'm showing none in stock right now. W Well, that's not good. How long do you think it'll be before you have them back in stock? M Between 2 and 3 weeks, probably. If you're in a hurry, you can try Iron Dog Plumbing Supply on Market Street. What kind of company does the woman work for? A.Clothing B.Plastics C.Plumbing D.Software

  • 听力原文:M: I'll make you flight reservation by phone now, and then write out the ticket for you.

    W: That's fine. Can you please tell me the departure time again? Q: What is the man doing? (3) A.Saying good-bye to a friend. B.Buying tickets for a sports event. C.Paying a bill at a friend. D.Arranging a plane trip.

  • 听力原文:W: Hi, David. I haven't seen you for ages. How are you getting along with your work?

    M: Hi, Susan. Not so well as to be expected. I've left my position. I can't bear the rudeness of my boss any longer. W: What are you going to do then? M: No idea. Anyway, I've got to think about it seriously. And you? W: I've been very successful as a dancer. I like this kind of life. It is so exciting. M: You can't do that forever. W: No. But I've decided to open a dance school once I've moved to the top. A lot of young dancers need better training. M: That's a wonderful idea. What does the man do now? A.A teacher. B.A dancer. C.Neither of the above.

  • 听力原文:W Hi, Sarah, it's Meg. I'm working on the presentation and I don't think I'll be able to finish my part by Monday morning. Do you think I could get an extension?

    W How much more work do you have left? W I've finished only 3 sections and I still have 2 more left to do. W Well, Jack hasn't been able to finish his part, either. It looks like we'll have to postpone presenting it to Ms. Lawrence until the end of the week. I'll let her know. What is Meg working on? A.A report B.A presentation C.A business letter D.A press release

  • 听力原文:M: I often go to school by bike. How about you W: I often walk there.Q: How does听力原文:M: I often go to school by bike. How about you W: I often walk there. Q: How does the woman go to school

    A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By bike D.By taxi.

  • 听力原文:W: Hi, Tim. I'm really sorry to hear about your grandfather. My sincerest sympathies go out to you and your family. He was such a great man.

    M: Thanks. As you know, he had been sick for some time before he passed away, so we were somewhat prepared. W: So, how's your grandmother taking it? M: Oh, it's been really hard on her. I don't think you get over something like that. W: Yeah, I'm sure. My heart really goes out to her. Uh, so how's your grandmother going to be able to manage things alone? M: Well, financially, grandmother will be able to live a secure life from now on. I mean, grandfather had life insurance and substantial investments in property and stocks, so returns on those should take care of her. But our main concern at this moment is her emotional state. She's really down, so a call now and again should brighten her day. W: So, what are the funeral arrangements? M: Well, some of the family members will get together on Tuesday morning for a private memorial service, but there will be a viewing in the afternoon from 2:00 to 3:00, followed by the funeral service. W: I wish there was something I could do for you. M: Well, actually, there is. You know, grandfather really admired you a lot, and before he died, he asked if you'd sing a musical number at the funeral. W: Really? I'd be honored. M: It would really mean a lot to the family. W: Sure. Then, see you on Tuesday. M: Okay, see you then. (20) A.He fell ill and passed away unexpectedly. B.He died in a traffic accident. C.He was ill for a certain period of time and then passed away. D.He passed away when he was working.

  • 听力原文:M: My shoulder's been hurting for a couple of weeks now ever since I moved that heavy desk by myself.

    W: If it hasn't gotten better by now, you should have it looked at. Q: What does the woman imply?. (17) A.He should look at the desk. B.He should go to the doctor. C.He should relax a little hit. D.He should have found some one for help.

  • 听力原文:M: If I were you, I would travel by plane instead of by bus. It will save your precious time.

    M: But flying always makes me so nervous. Q: What does the man mean? (17) A.He prefers taking a plane because the bus is too slow. B.He prefers taking a bus because the plane makes him nervous. C.He prefers staying at home to traveling by plane. D.He prefers traveling with the woman.