Which statements concerning the switch construct are true?()  

A . All switch statements must have a default label. B . There must be exactly one label for each code segment in a switch statement. C . The keyword continue can never occur within the body of a switch statement. D . No case label may follow a default label within a single switch statement. E . A character literal can be used as a value for a case label.

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  • Which statement is false?() 

    A .  custom URL categories cannot contain IP addresses B .  custom URL categories cannot override predefined URL categories C .  custom URL categories can contain domain names D .  custom URL categories can use regular expressio

  • Which four statements are true?()

    A . Has-a relationships should never be encapsulated. B . Has-a relationships should be implemented using inheritance. C . Has-a relationships can be implemented using instance variables. D . Is-a relationships can be implemented using the extends keyword. E . Is-a relationships can be implemented using the implements keyword. F . An array or a collection can be used to implement a one-to-many has-a relationship.

  • Which statement is true?() 

    A .  the L4TM allow list overrides the block list B .  the overlap of the L4TM allow list and block list is the L4TM grey list C .  the L4TM block lists override the allow lists D .  L4TM allow list and block list overlaps are not permitted

  • Which statement is true?()

    A .  If only one thread is blocked in the wait method of an object, and another thread executes the modify on that same object, then the first thread immediately resumes execution. B .  If a thread is blocked in the wait method of an object, and another thread executes the notify method on the same object, it is still possible that the first thread might never resume execution. C .  If a thread is blocked in the wait method of an object, and another thread executes the notify method on the same object, then the first thread definitely resumes execution as a direct and sole  consequence of the notify call. D .  If two threads are blocked in the wait method of one object, and another thread executes the notify method on the same object, then the first thread that executed the wait call first definitely resumes execution as a direct and sole consequence of the notify call.

  • Which three statements are true?()

    A . A final method in class X can be abstract if and only if X is abstract. B . A protected method in class X can be overridden by any subclass of X. C . A private static method can be called only within other static methods in class X. D . A non-static public final method in class X can be overridden in any subclass of X. E . A public static method in class X can be called by a subclass of X without explicitly referencing the class X. F . A method with the same signature as a private final method in class X can be implemented in a subclass of X. G . A protected method in class X can be overridden by a subclass of X only if the subclass is in the same package as X.

  • Which statement best describes echo?()

    A . Echo is the discernable leak-through of your own Rx path into your own Tx path.  B . Echo is the discernable leak-through of the packets of your Rx path into your own Tx path.  C . Echo is the nonaudible leak-through of the packets of your Rx path into your own Tx path.  D . Echo is the audible leak-through of the packets from the transmit path into your own receive path.  E . Echo is the nonaudible leak-through of the packets of your Tx path into your own Rx path.

  • Which two statements are true?()

    A . It is possible for more than two threads to deadlock at once. B . The JVM implementation guarantees that multiple threads cannot enter into a deadlocked state. C . Deadlocked threads release once their sleep() method’s sleep duration has expired. D . Deadlocking can occur only when the wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods are used incorrectly. E . It is possible for a single-threaded application to deadlock if synchronized blocks are used incorrectly. F . If a piece of code is capable of deadlocking, you cannot eliminate the possibility ofdeadlocking by insertinginvocations of Thread.yield().

  • Which statement is true?()   

    A .  If only one thread is blocked in the wait method of an object, and another thread executes the modify on that same object, then the first thread immediately resumes execution. B .  If a thread is blocked in the wait method of an object, and another thread executes the notify method on the same object, it is still possible that the first thread might never resume execution. C .  If a thread is blocked in the wait method of an object, and another thread executes the notify method on the same object, then the first thread definitely resumes execution as a direct and sole consequence of the notify call. D .  If two threads are blocked in the wait method of one object, and another thread executes the notify method on the same object, then the first thread that executed the wait call first definitely resumes execution as a direct and sole consequence of the notify call.

  • Which three statements are true?()

    A .  The default constructor initializes method variables. B .  The default constructor has the same access as its class. C .  The default constructor invoked the no-arg constructor of the superclass. D .  If a class lacks a no-arg constructor, the compiler always creates a default constructor.  E .  The compiler creates a default constructor only when there are no other constructors for the class.

  • Which statement accomplish this? ()

    A . CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE); B . CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE); C . CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status VARCHAR2 (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE); D . CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE); E . CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE = SYSDATE); F . CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id NUMBER (10), customer_id NUMBER (8), order_status NUMBER (10), date_ordered DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE)

  • Which are DML statements? ()


  • Which two statements are true?()

    A . It is possible for more than two threads to deadlock at once. B . The JVM implementation guarantees that multiple threads cannot enter into a deadlocked state. C . Deadlocked threads release once their sleep() method's sleep duration has expired. D . Deadlocking can occur only when the wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods are used incorrectly. E . It is possible for a single-threaded application to deadlock if synchronized blocks are used incorrectly. F . If a piece of code is capable of deadlocking, you cannot eliminate the possibility of deadlocking by inserting invocations of Thread.yield().

  • Which statement is true?()  

    A .  A flow layout can be used to position a component that should resize horizontally when the  container is resized. B .  A grid layout can be used to position a component tat should maintain a constant size even when  the container is resized. C .  A border layout can be used to position component that should maintain a constant size even when  the container is resized. D .  The grid bag layout can be used to give a grid-like layout which differs from the normal grid in that individual rows and columns can have unique sizes. E .  If two components are placed in the same column of a grid bag layout, and one component resizes horizontally, then the other component must resize horizontally.

  • Which statement is NOT TRUE?

  • Read the following statements. Judge which statements are true and which statements are false.1 Confucius took non-action as the principal doctrine.

  • Which statement is false?

  • Which statement is the main idea of the second paragraph?‍Which statement is the main idea of paragraph 2?

  • Which statement is correct? ( )

  • Which thesis statement is proper?

  • Which statement is correct?