This text is mainly about a father’s ________.

时间:2022-11-17 07:07:05


  • This text is mainly about__________.

    A . the scientific leadership of the U.S. B . the shortage of scientists in the U.S. C . the rapid globalization of science D . better communication and globalization

  • 10/25. What is this passage mainly about?

  • This passage is mainly about how to conduct a survey.

  • This passage is mainly about

  • What is this talk mainly about?

    A.Why is the world tourism industry declining. B.How does the world economy influence the tourism industry. C.What is the development of the world tourism industry in the past 5 years. D.What are the factors that influence the world tourism industry.

  • &8226;Read this text taken from an article about some key aspects of operations management.

    &8226;Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps. &8226;For each gap 9—14, mark one letter (A—H) on your Answer Sheet. &8226;Do not use any letter more than once. The Operations Function Goods are tangible items purchased by individuals or organizations for subsequent use. Services are intangible items that are consumed at the time of being provided, with the customer taking away or retaining the benefit of that service. However, in many commercial situations, what is provided or produced by an organization can be a mixture of both goods and services. H The operations function is the part of the organization that exists primarily to generate and produce the products. (9) . They have a conversion process, some resource inputs into that process, the outputs resulting from the conversions of the inputs, and the information feedback about the activities in the operations system. (10) . Economists refer to the transformation of resources into goods and services as the production function. (11) . This process is what creates the revenue for the company making the products or providing the services. (12) . When considering the conversion process we must take into account that the process is subject to random change and fluctuations. Unplanned or uncontrolled influences may cause the actual output to differ from the planned output. (13) . If there is a circumstance in which the Yangzi River of China was to flood, the production of rice would suffer, therefore causing an increase fluctuation in the price of rice. (14) . Fluctuations may also tend to be caused by internal problems inherent in the conversion process. Faulty equipment, material imperfections, and of course human errors are only a few of the ideas that affect output quality. A Other natural problems such as lightning, frost, drought, too much rain, etc., will tend to be the major reason for the fluctuation in product quality and price because of availability. B All producers of whether it be a physical object or service have some basic elements in common. C For example, all managers in any organization will need to know how to train their employees, appraise their performance, and so forth. D The end product then becomes an idea where it is deemed a useful idea due to the form, the time, or the place of their availability from the conversion process. E For example, such fluctuations in the product quality or price may be due to the growing weather conditions of many plants of fruit and vegetables. F Once a product is made available to the consumer, that product is sold and converted into cash for that company and the cycle continues. G The general goal for all production is to create some kind of value added, so the outputs are worth more to the consumer than just the sum of the individual inputs. H In some situations the product will outweigh the service but in other situations it will be the opposite. (9)

  • What is this passage mainly about?

    A.Men's way of buying things. B.Women's attitude towards shop assistants. C.The difference between men and women in buying things. D.Men are better in choosing what they will buy.

  • This text is mainly about ______.

    A.the health benefits of afternoon naps B.the negative effects of sleep deprivation on health and worker productivity C.the importance of the siesta tradition in Spain and Latin America D.the siesta tradition and its health benefits

  • What is this article mainly about?

    A.A recent show B.A film festival C.A live production D.An upcoming movie

  • This text mainly discusses ______.

    A.good tastes B.dressing in America C.simple clothes D.good impression

  • In this text, the author mainly discusses

    A.flawed ownership of America’s law firms and its causes. B.the factors that help make a successful lawyer in America. C.a problem in America’s legal profession and solutions to it. D.the role of undergraduate studies in America’s legal education.

  • ?Read this text taken from an article about the difference between internalization and globalization.

    ?Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps. ?For each gap 9—14, mark one letter (A—H) on your Answer Sheet. ?Do not use any letter more than once. Internalization and Globalization One of the most important considerations in the implementation of strategy is the extent to which the organization's activities are spread across geographical regions. H Merchants traveled the known world to sell products manufactured in their home country and to return with products from other countries. Initially, international business simply took the form. of exporting and importing. (9) . Globalization, on the other hand, is more than simply internationalization. (10) . In order for a business to become global in its operations, we would usually expect a number of important characteristics to be in place. First, global organizations take advantage of the increasing trend towards a convergence of customer needs and wants across international borders. Second, global organizations compete in industries that are globalized. (11) Third, global organizations can and do locate their value-adding activities in those places in the world where the greatest competitive advantages can be made. (12) (13) . The mentality of home base, 'foreign interests' that has been so prevalent among traditional multinational companies is eroded in the culture of global businesses. (14) . The development of an organization's global strategy, therefore, will be concerned with global competences, global marketing and global configuration and coordination of its value-adding activities. A This might mean, for example, shifting production to a low-cost region or moving design to a country with skilled labor in the key skill cultural differences. B In some sectors, successful competition necessitates a presence in almost every part of the world in order to effectively compete in its global market. C Finally, global organizations are able to integrate and coordinate their international activities between countries. D Finally, global organizations can cooperate with each other very well and can exchange their information in time. E They have learned to effectively manage and control the various parts of the business cross national borders and despite local area. F A large multinational company is not necessarily a global business. G The term international describes any business that carries out some of its activities across national boundaries. H Some businesses are entirely domestically based, others operate in many countries and yet others in almost all the regions of the world. (9)

  • What is this conversation mainly about?

    A.What the man and the woman are going to do tomorrow night. B.The Star Wars movie tickets will be on sale tomorrow night. C.The man invites the woman for the opening premiere tomorrow. D.How to get the pre-sale movie tickets.

  • What is this news item mainly about?

    A.New findings of the reason for sudden infant death. B.New methods to prevent sudden infant death. C.The mystery of sudden infant death. D.The relationship between sudden infant death and modern medicine.

  • This passage is mainly about the origin and use of "______".

    A.fall guy B.take the rap C.bum rap D.take the blame

  • What is this lecture mainly about?

    A.Reinforced concrete in buildings B.The stresses caused by earthquakes C.Earthquake-resistant structures D.Understanding construction sites

  • What is this discussion mainly about?

    A.How to exploit nonrenewable mineral resources B.The exploitation of minerals in protected environments C.Pollution as a by-product of mineral exploitation D.The economic and environmental costs of exploiting minerals

  • What is this news mainly about?

    A.The change in the policy of insurance. B.The independent insurance agency market. C.The development of an insurance company. D.The worries of an insurance customer.

  • The main point of this text is

    A.Aesop" s fables provide a valuable glimpse into early Greek thought and beliefs. B.the most efficient and reliable way to study the values system of an ancient culture is through study of its mythology. C.without a thorough examination of a society"s fables and other mythology, a cultural study on that society would be only partial. D.through the study of a culture" s mythological tradition, one can discern some of the underlying beliefs that shaped those stories.

  • What is this text about?

    A.Using the City Hall. B.Making telephone calls. C.The building services in town.

  • This passage is mainly about______.

    A.why we misunderstand what people say to behave when we listen to others C.why we sometimes go wrong with our friends or enemies to avoid mistakes when we communicate with people

  • What is true about pencils in this text?

    A.It is made of wood only. B.It is made of graphite only. C.It has erasers.

  • The text is mainly about______.

    A.the China-US relations B.the Nixon Library C.President Nixon D.the Youth Summit

  • Text A mainly talks about what “odyssey years” means, compares and contrasts young people then and now in order to characterize this new phase.()

    是 否