听力原文:M: Hello, Mr. Smith. You look rather tired this morning. Did you have a difficult journey back from Scotland?

W: Well, the business trip was successful but the train arrived four hours late and I didn't go to bed until four o'clock. Q: Which of the following statements is not true? (3) A.His train was delayed. B.The man's business trip was successful. C.His journey back form. Scotland took him four hours. D.He had little sleep last night.

时间:2023-03-18 13:32:00


  • 一 Hello, this is Steven Smith. Nice to hear your voice again.Hi, Mr. Smith. the coverage of your freight forwarding business? -(). 

    A . Do you know B . Please tell me C . I would like to know about

  • Hello. Is that Mr.White or Mr.Smith speaking? Sorry,()

    A . who are you? B . don't ask me. C . I don't know. D . would you please ring them up this afternoon?

  • Hello. my name is Edward Green. I()to speak to Mr. Smith, please.

    A . would like B . want C . want to D . glad

  • Hello, Mr. Smith! How is yourjourney?

  • Hello, I speak to Mr. Smith? I’m sorry. Mr. Smith is not in.

  • 听力原文:M: Mr. Steward appears to be honest. But I don’t think we can trust him.W: No, Mr听力原文:M: Mr. Steward appears to be honest. But I don’t think we can trust him. W: No, Mr. Steward is not what he looks like. Q: What does the woman probably mean ()

    A.Mr. Steward is honest. B.Mr. Steward looks honest. C.Mr. Steward looks dishonest. D.Mr. Steward is dishonest.

  • 听力原文:M: Good morning, Dr. Smith. My name is Peter. I am a freshman in your department. There are a few things that I am not quite sure of and I do need your advice.

    W: Thank you very much for your trust, Peter. As your academic advisor I will try my best to help you. M: Thanks. It's about my major... W: Well, what's the matter? M: I used to major in English, but now I have made up my mind to switch to Applied Linguistics, concentrating on Teaching English as a Foreign Language. W: So you want to switch majors? M: Yes. But I wonder if it is possible. W: Well, usually we allow it, as long as you have enough credits. M: That's good news for me. I'm not interested in literature and that sort of thing. I want to be a real teacher, Professor. But I'm worried about the make-up credits. W: You usually do have to make up some credits when you switch majors. Are you OK on credits? M: Not too many. I'll have to add about 12 credits as far as I can. figure from my transcript. Would you please let me know how many credits are required to get a master's degree? W: Usually thirty-six credits are needed, ff you take five courses per term, you'll have enough credits after just two semesters. Usually each course is worth three credits. To get the six remaining credits you either prepare a thesis or take two more courses. M: Is there anything else besides the 36 credits for the master's? W: You have to have an oral defense. M: I see.I really appreciate your help,Professor. W: Glad I can help.Good luck.Peter. (23) A.A literature professor. B.An academic advisor. C.Dean of the English Department. D.A Doctor of Applied Linguistics.

  • 听力原文:W: Hello.

    M: Hi, Sally, this is Phil. W: Great to hear from you Phil! How have you been doing? M: To tell you the truth, I'm very worried about our final examinations next month. For one thing, I can't sleep. W: I sympathize! I went through the same thing last year. M: That's exactly why I'm calling you. Do you have any suggestions for coping with anxiety? You know how I hate exams! W: Well, last year the university offered a stress-management course at about this time. Have you been in contact with the student health services? M: No, I haven't had time! W: Funny, isn't it? Just when students need help most, we can't afford the time to get it! M: Well, perhaps I should find out more about this stress-management course. Things have got to get better! W: I suggest you call the health services tomorrow. They open at nine a. m. M: Thanks, ally. I'll let you know how it goes. W: Best of luck! And have a good night's sleep! M: That's easier said than done! (20) A.Anxiety. B.Truth. C.Sympathy. D.Time.

  • 听力原文:M: Hello, everyone. We're talking about Stella Hampton, famous Hollywood actress. Before the break, we were talking about your life, Stella, before you became a big star.

    W: Yes... Oh, but do we have to? M: Well, I think it's interesting. And I think our listeners will find it interesting, too. I mean, you didn't become a big star overnight. You struggled for many years. W: You can say that again. M: Tell us a little about it. W: Oh, yes. I think I must have worked twenty or thirty different jobs. M: Really? W: Sure! I couldn't find work as an actress for many years, so I had to do something. You have to eat, right? M: What kind of jobs did you have? W: A little bit of everything: I worked as a waitress, in a department store, painting houses... I think I got fired from most of those stores. M: Oh, yeah? Come on, tell us a few stories. W: This is so embarrassing... Well, I remember I worked for a big department store in the hats department. It was so boring. We never had any customers during the day, and that's when I worked. When I got sleepy, I used to lie down under the hat racks and take an occasional nap. M: What happened? W: Well, one day I got caught by my boss. And I got fired on the spot. Then there was the time I decided to paint house. It turned out that I was allergic to the paint. And my body was so sore after working the first day that I could hardly get out of the bed the next day. I couldn't take the physical work. I got fired again. M: Any other war stories? W: Well... you are not going to believe this, but I actually drove a taxi for a few days. I got hired as a cab driver. M: No! You? W: Yes. I was desperate and thought I could make good tips. I needed the money at the time. Unfortunately, it didn't lust. M: Fired? W: Yes. How did you guess? On my third day, I hit a pole. No one was hurt in the accident —my passenger was fine — but it scared me to death. That was the end of my career as a driver. M: Well, Stella, thank you for sharing those details with us. It's a good thing you made it as an actress! After the commercial break, we'll talk more with Stella about her new movie that's being released in September. (20) A.When she was working in a department store. B.When she was working for a painting house. C.When she was working in a taxi company. D.When she was working as an actress in Hollywood.

  • 听力原文:M: Mr. Brown asked me to tell you that he is sorry he can't come to meet you in person. He is really too busy to make the trip.

    W: That's okay. I'm glad you've come in his place. Q: What do we learn from the conservation? (13) A.The man is late for the trip because he is busy. B.The woman is glad to meet Mr. Brown in person. C.The man is meeting the woman on behalf of Mr. Brown. D.The woman feels sorry that Mr. Brown is unable to come.

  • 听力原文:M: Hello. I want to buy some stamps, and I want to send something special to Australia. Can I mail it here?

    W: Yes, you can. How many stamps would you like? A: I'd like ten sixty-cent stamps and five airmail stamps, please. B: Here you arc. Ten sixty-cent stamps and five airmail stamps. A: I'd like to mail this package to Australia, how much will it be, please? B: Airmail or surface mall? A: Airmail, please. How long does it take? B: It's a light package airmail would cost US $22 since it's going to Australia I would guess it will take about six or seven days to arrive. A: And the surface mall? B: Sea mall would be cheaper, but it wouldn't arrive until about 5 weeks later. The rate for that is US $4.5. What's in the package? I need to know that in order to complete this form. A: A pair of jade earrings, a gold necklace and some fashion dress for my sister who's going to get married. I packed them well, so I'm sure they won't break, but I want to insure them just in case. By the way, how much would an emergent letter to Japan be? B: Let me check for you. A special delivery to Japan would be US $49. They can guarantee delivery tomorrow, is there anything else? A: I'd like to have thirty dollars worth of stamps. I'd miller you pick out some nice commemoratives. (23) A.Because she is going to study abroad. B.Because she is going to get married. C.Because she asked him for it. D.Because Christmas is coming.

  • 听力原文:M: Did you notice after almost ten years in the United States, Mr. Lee still speaks English with such a strong accent.

    W: Yes, but he is proud of it. He says it is a part of his identity. Q: What does the conversation tell us about Mr. Lee? (17) A.His English is still poor after ten years in America. B.He doesn't mind speaking English with an accent. C.He doesn't like the way Americans speak. D.He speaks English as if he were a native speaker.

  • 听力原文:W: Manager, I have to inform. you that there is an error in our invoice to Mr. Smith for the shoes he ordered on May 25.

    M: OK, just change "carriage forward" to "carriage paid". We can't lose this customer. Q: What did the customer order on May 25? (12) A.Invoice. B.Shoes. C.Carriage. D.Error.

  • 听力原文:M: Hello, Ms. Davis. I am calling from MCI to explain our new long distance calling plan.

    W: Hmm... I am already using Sprint for 60 cents per minute to Japan. M: We can give you a better deal with the new plan and that one is 50 cents per minute anywhere in Asia. W: That sounds appealing. Let me think about it for a moment. What is the purpose of the talk? A.The promotion of a telephone service. B.Making a sales plan for new products. C.A flight reservation. D.Complaining about a faulty product.

  • 听力原文:M: I would like to place an order for toner cartridges. We have a standing agreement with you company. It should be under the name of Leslie Smith, and the number is 184796 A.

    W: Let me key your information into my computer. Yes, Mr. Smith. I have an order for three cases of cartridges, is there anything to refill? M: Yes, please post the bill to 124 Hildrod Lane, Milton County, 98830. W: I will send you an invoice tomorrow. Your order should be delivered before next Monday. What position does the woman probably hold? A.Cartridge designer B.Sales person C.Accountant D.Receptionist

  • 听力原文:W: David, listen to this: "Mr. Gray Smith, 80 years old, is making his first attempt to parachute this Wednesday. Mr. Smith said he had been looking forward to the jump for a long time."

    M: Yes. Good for him. W: I don't think it is a good idea for Mr. Smith. M: Why not? W: Because he is old. In my country, when a person is 80, he is supposed to stay at home and be taken care of M: Really? I think Mr. Smith can do whatever he wants as long as he knows how to do it well and he is sure be is safe. W: I agree with you there. (20) A.To join in the sport games B.To have a parachute jump C.To travel around the world D.To practicing diving

  • 听力原文:M:How did Mr. Roger's project turn out? I heard he had trouble with the financing and then he couldn't get the land he wanted.

    W:Well. It's true he had difficulties. But all in all it couldn't have turned out better. Q:What can you learn about Mr. Roger's project? (14) A.It was fairly successful. B.Financing was never a problem. C.It was too difficult to finish. D.It stopped for want of land.

  • 听力原文:W: Professor Smith suggested that I come here to borrow a Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.

    M: You're welcome to use our dictionaries,but they must not be taken out of the library.Would't it be better if you had one of your own? Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? (15) A.Buy a dictionary for herself. B.Take a dictionary out of the library. C.Use whatever dictionaries in the library. D.Borrow a dictionary from Professor Smith.

  • 听力原文:M: Hello. This is Thomas William. I'm calling to see if my blood test results are in.

    W: Dr. Walker just sent them to the lab this morning, so the earliest they could be back is tomorrow. Q: What does the woman mean? (19) A.The results might be ready tomorrow. B.The man needs another blood test tomorrow. C.The blood is being tested now in the lab. D.The doctor will be back tomorrow.

  • 听力原文:Hello, I was once a hostess. Now I am on my first bus trip and I’m quite surprise

    听力原文: Hello, I was once a hostess. Now I am on my first bus trip and I’m quite surprised at the services offered during the trip. Included are meals on the way. Rest rooms and public-address announcements. Just now. I introduced myself to the hostess on the bus, and we told each other about experience on air and ground travel. At lunch time, she gave out menus offering a choice of sandwiches. As she started filling orders, she found that there weren’t enough egg-salad sandwiches. She quickly went to whisper to the driver, The bus soon stopped. The stopped. The hostess ran to another bus that was all the time following ours and she soon returned with a box of egg-salad sandwiches. As she passed my seat, she asked.” Could you do that on a plane?” According to this passage, what kind of vehicle did the speaker always ride in the past? A.By bus. B.By air. C.By train.

  • 听力原文: (A =AliceT=Tony)A Sinwell & Co. Good morning.T Hello, Alice?A Oh, hello Tony

    听力原文: (A =Alice T=Tony) A Sinwell & Co. Good morning. T Hello, Alice? A Oh, hello Tony. T I’m glad I caught you. Listen, I’m at the airport, and I’ve just realized I’ve left my diary in the office. You can’t see it anywhere, can you? A Hang on. Here it is. T Oh, great. Now can you have a look at tomorrow? I’ve got an appointment at nine thirty at the airport. But what’s the name of the woman I’m seeing? A It’s Ms. Chen. Chen Hong. T That’s it. It had gone right out of my head. Is that C-H-E-N H-O-N-G? A That’s right. T And what’s her position in the company, exactly? A She’s their new Research Director. T That’s it. Right. Then in the afternoon, I’m meeting Mr. Johnson at 2.30. but I can’t remember whether we agreed to meet at his company or the hotel. A Well, there’s nothing here about the hotel. T Right, then it must be at his company. Sorry, Alice, I’ll have to go. My plane’s boarding. A Ok, Tony. Oh, before you go. Don’t forget on Wednesday you’ll need to confirm your flight to Shanghai. T Thanks. I’ll make a note of it. I’ll call you first thing in the morning. A Bye. &8226;Look at the form. below. &8226;You will hear a man checking details of his appointments AMERICAN BUSINESS TRIP: Mon 4/5-Wed 6/5 Appointments 9.30 Meeting at (9) ______ with Ms. Chen Hong. She's their new (10) ______ . 14.30 Meet Mr. Johnson at (11) ______ to discuss new products. Don't forget Call office tomorrow. (12)______ to Shanghai on Wednesday.

  • 听力原文:M: You know, Mr. Stevens doesn't want to be identified with the decision of the board.

    W: I know he is stubborn. What do we know about Mr. Stevens? A.He doesn't want to identify the decision. B.He doesn't want to accept the decision. C.He doesn't want to recognize the decision. D.He doesn't want to be involved in the decision.

  • 听力原文:W: Good evening! Welcome to our Talk Show program. Our guest today is Mr. David Smith, who had the experiences of studying abroad for seven years and then returning back home. Well, Mr. Smith, do you think going abroad was the hard part?

    M: I don't think so, but returning back home was really hard. W: Why? M: Well, for many students, returning back to their home countries can be a very confusing experience. W: Re-entry Shock! That sounds quite interesting. Can you explain it? M: For example, many students who come to the United States experience freedoms they have never enjoyed in their country. W: Sure, such as freedom from family, freedom from cultural norms they didn't like and freedom from the pressures of working in a real job. M: However, too much freedom and unstructured life can lead to other problems. Students sometimes skip classes, stay out late, and engage in activities that their families and cultures might not approve of, but students want to enjoy "freedom" while it lasts. W: So when students return back to their countries, they can struggle with fitting back into the cultural norms and family expectations of the past. M: Yes. Naturally, depression is possible and a loss of self can result. W: Then what can students do to minimize this Re-entry Shock? M: First of all, keep in contact with your family and friends while you are abroad. They will be your first source of advice and support once you return. W: What else? M: Second, have a clear plan what you will do when you return. Start looking for a job now or apply to enter a school months before you return. Re-entry Shock can be greatest when you have nothing to do when you return. (23) A.How to go abroad for study. B.How to enjoy the freedom abroad. C.How to look for a job after returning back from abroad. D.Re-entry Shock and how to reduce it.

  • 听力原文:M: Hello, Marry. What's up with you?

    W: Oh, Tom. It's my landlady again. M: You're always in trouble. What is it this time? W: You see, she left a note for me. Just read it. M: Well, did you leave the front door open? W: I honestly don't remember. I got back late from a party. Anyway, what does it matter? It's all complaints in that house: first noise, then bathroom. M: Well, in that case, why don't you look around for another place? W: I've already started. I looked in the paper this morning, plenty of advertisements as usual, but must of the places are too far from school. M: Look, why don't you come and share with us? W: But surely there are four of you in the flat already, aren't there? M: Yes, but, you know, Jane is leaving at the end of the month. She's got a job down south. There will be a spare room. It's rather small, but you can sleep there for the moment till you find a nice one. W: That's a good idea. How many rooms do you have? M: We have four bedrooms and a big living room. W: What are the arrangements? M: Oh, we share all expenses, of course, rent, light, and heating. W: What about ford? M: Oh, we each buy our own. It works out fine that way. And you can do any thing you like in your own room, but there is one thing... W: what's that? M: Don't leave the front door open. Strange people may wander in. W: All right. I promise that won't happen again. By the way, when is Jane leaving? M: Let me see... yes, this time next week. W: Today is the 22nd, Tuesday, so she's leaving on the 29th. Well, I will move in one day after she leaves. M: Yes, no problem. We will get ready by then. W: Thanks a lot. M: You're welcome. (27) A.Her difficulties at her house. B.Finding a place to live. C.The parties she went to. D.Her friend's house.