
最近,一些发展中国家(如印度)的计算机程序人员已经开始做原来只在美国完成的工作。这种转移无疑导致美国程序员收入实质下降,请回答以下两个问题:在美国技术工人的工资普遍上涨的情况下,为何会出现这一情况?把削减工资作为防止计算机编程外包的理由,对此,贸易经济学家会提出什么论据并加以反驳? Recently, computer programmers in developing countries such as India have begun doing work formerly done in the United States. This shift has undoubtedly led to substantial pay cuts for some programmers in the United States. Answer the following two questions: How is this possible when the wages of skilled labor are rising in the United States as a whole? What argument would trade economists make against seeing these wage cuts as a reason to block outsourcing of computer programming?

时间:2024-01-08 14:33:05
