Which two statements regarding the LOGGING clause of the CREATE TABLESPACE... statement are correct?()

A . This clause is not valid for a temporary or undo tablespace. B . If the tablespace is in the NOLOGGING mode,no operation on the tablespace will generate redo. C . The tablespace will be in the NOLOGGING mode by default,if not specified while creating a tablespace. D . The tablespace-level logging attribute can be overridden by logging specifications at the table,index, materialized view,materialized view log,and partition levels.

时间:2022-10-16 04:51:36 所属题库:1Z0-042题库


  • Which two statements about SCSI are true? ()

    A .  The bus is limited to 32 devices B .  It is a full duplex serial standard C .  It is a half-duplex serial standard D .  It allows up to 320 MB/s of shared channel bandwidth

  • Which two statements about zoning are correct? ()

    A . Zoning increases security. B . DNS queries are used for software zoning. C . Software zoning is more secure than hardware zoning. D . When using zones and VSANs together, the zone is created first. E . Zoning requires that VSANs be established before it becomes operational.

  • Which two statements are correct about database transportation?() (Choose two.)

    A . The source and target platforms must be the same B . Redo logs, control files and temp files are also transported C . The transported database must have the same database identifier (DBID) as the source database and cannot be changed D . The COMPATIBLE parameter must be set to or higher and the database must be opened in readonly mode before being transported E . Recovery Manager (RMAN) is used to convert the necessary data files of the database if the target platform is different and has different endian format

  • Which two statements about subqueries are true? ()

    A . A single row subquery can retrieve data from only one table. B . A SQL query statement cannot display data from table B that is referred to in its subquery, unless table B is included in the main query's FROM clause. C . A SQL query statement can display data from table B that is referred to in its subquery, without including table B in its own FROM clause. D . A single row subquery can retrieve data from more than one table. E . A single row subquery cannot be used in a condition where the LIKE operator is used for comparison. F . A multiple-row subquery cannot be used in a condition where the LIKE operator is used for comparison.

  • Which two statements are true regarding views?()

    A . A subquery that defines a view cannot include the GROUP BY clause  B . A view that is created with the subquery having the DISTINCT keyword can be updated  C . A view that is created with the subquery having the pseudo column ROWNUM keyword cannot be updated  D . A data manipulation language (DML) operation can be performed on a view that is created with the subquery having all the NOT NULL columns of a table

  • Which two statements about WRED are true? ()

    A . WRED can selectively discard lower priority traffic when the interface becomes congested and can provide differentiated performance characteristics for different classes of service. B . Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) and WRED cannot be configured on the same interface. C . WRED will throttle back voice traffic only as a last resort. D . If the average queue length is greater than the minimum threshold but less than the maximum threshold, then based on the drop probability, WRED will either queue the packet or perform a random drop. E . WRED statistically drops more packets from low-bandwidth users than high-bandwidth users. Therefore, traffic sources that generate the least traffic are more likely to be slowed down than traffic sources that generate the most traffic. F .  WRED treats non-IP traffic as precedence 4.

  • Which two statements are true about alerts()

    A . Clearing an alert sends the alert to the alert history. B . Response actions cannot be specified with server-generated alerts. C . The nonthreshold alerts appear in the DBA_OUTSTANDING_ALERTS view. D . Server-generated alerts notify the problems that cannot be resolved automatically and requireadministrators to be notified.

  • Which two statements best describe EtherChannel?()

    A . EtherChannel technology helps aggregate traffic grouping multiple,full-duplex point-to-point linkstogether B . EtherChannel technology is based on the 802.1 IEEE stand C . EtherChannel can aggregate up to 800 Mbps,8 Gbps,or Gbps of aggregate bandwidth for a Fast EtherChannel,Gigabit EtherChannel,or 10 Gigabit EtherChannel connection respectively D . EtherChannel is defined for Rapid Spanning Tree for faster convergence

  • Which two statements are true about checkpointing()

    A . The checkpoint frequency decreases with the smaller redo log file size. B . It ensures that all committed data is written to the data files during normal shutdown. C . The frequent full checkpoint in a database can cause the overall degradation of the database performance. D . It prompts the Checkpoint (CKPT) process to write data to the data files and redo information to the online redo log files.

  • Which two statements are true regarding listeners()

    A . Listeners use only the TCP/IP protocol. B . Multiple listener processes can run simultaneously on a host. C . Multiple database instances can be registered with a single listener. D . The listener-related errors can be traced only at the administrative level. E . Only one database instance can be registered with a single listener at any time.

  • Which two statements are true about constraints? ()

    A . The UNIQUE constraint does not permit a null value for the column. B . A UNIQUE index gets created for columns with PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints. C . The PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY constraints create a UNIQUE index. D . The NOT NULL constraint ensures that null values are not permitted for the column.

  • Which two statements about zoning are correct?()

    A .  Zoning increases security. B .  DNS queries are used for software zoning. C .  Software zoning is more secure than hardware zoning. D .  When using zones and VSANs together, the zone is created first. E .  Zoning requires that VSANs be established before it becomes operational.

  • Which two statements correctly describe VTP?()

    A . Transparent mode always has a configuration revision number of 0. B . Transparent mode cannot modify a VLAN database. C . Client mode cannot forward received VTP advertisements. D . Client mode synchronizes its VLAN database from VTP advertisements. E . Server mode can synchronize across VTP domains.

  • Which two statements are true?()

    A . It is possible for more than two threads to deadlock at once. B . The JVM implementation guarantees that multiple threads cannot enter into a deadlocked state. C . Deadlocked threads release once their sleep() method’s sleep duration has expired. D . Deadlocking can occur only when the wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods are used incorrectly. E . It is possible for a single-threaded application to deadlock if synchronized blocks are used incorrectly. F . If a piece of code is capable of deadlocking, you cannot eliminate the possibility ofdeadlocking by insertinginvocations of Thread.yield().

  • Which two statements complete a transaction?()

    A . DELETE employees; B . DESCRIBE employees; C . ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT C; D . GRANT SELECT ON employees TO SCOTT; E . ALTER TABLE employees SET UNUSED COLUMN sal; F . Select MAX(sal) FROM employees WHERE department_id = 20

  • Which two statements describe traffic policing?()

    A . Traffic bursts are smoothed out by queuing the excess traffic to produce a steadier flow of data B . Excess traffic is buffered so that the traffic remains within the desired rate. C . Packets that conform to traffic policies are not delayed. D . Packet marking is available and allows excess packets to be re-marked with a lower priorit

  • Which two statements best describe CBWFQ?()

    A . The CBWFQ scheduler provides a guaranteed minimum amount of bandwidth to each class. B . CBWFQ services each class queue using a strict priority scheduler. C . The class-default queue only supports WFQ. D . Inside a class queue, processing is always FIFO, except for the class-default queue.

  • Which two multicast protocol statements are true? (Choose two.)  ()

    A .  Dense mode multicast requires explicit join messages from their members. B .  Dense mode multicast uses a push model to flood traffic throughout the network and then prunes the  unwanted traffic. C .  Sparse mode multicast uses a pull model to send multicast traffic to where it is requested.   D .  Sparse mode uses reverse path forwarding (RPF) to prune off redundant flows. E .  The primary use of sparse mode multicast is for test labs and router performance testing.

  • Which two statements complete a transaction? ()

    A . DELETE employees; B . DESCRIBE employees; C . ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT C; D . GRANT SELECT ON employees TO SCOTT; E . ALTER TABLE employees SET UNUSED COLUMN sal; F . SELECT MAX(sal) FROM employees WHERE department_id = 20

  • Which two statements are true?()

    A . It is possible for more than two threads to deadlock at once. B . The JVM implementation guarantees that multiple threads cannot enter into a deadlocked state. C . Deadlocked threads release once their sleep() method's sleep duration has expired. D . Deadlocking can occur only when the wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods are used incorrectly. E . It is possible for a single-threaded application to deadlock if synchronized blocks are used incorrectly. F . If a piece of code is capable of deadlocking, you cannot eliminate the possibility of deadlocking by inserting invocations of Thread.yield().

  • Which two of statements are true?()

    A . It is possible to synchronize static methods. B . When a thread has yielded as a result of yield(), it releases its locks. C . When a thread is sleeping as a result of sleep(), it releases its locks. D . The Object.wait() method can be invoked only from a synchronized context. E . The Thread.sleep() method can be invoked only from a synchronized context. F . When the thread scheduler receives a notify() request, and notifies a thread, that thread immediately releases its lock.

  • Which two statements are correct? Choose two answers.