15、在常见的三种力中,第一种是万有引力,万有引力与重力的关系是___ Of the three common forces, the first is Universal Gravitation, and the relationship between Universal Gravitation and Gravity is___

A.重力是万有引力中特殊的一种力,重力属于万有引力; Gravity is a special force in the Universal Gravitation, Gravity belongs to the Universal Gravitation;B.重力就是万有引力,万有引力就是重力; Gravity is Universal Gravitation, and Universal Gravitation is Gravity;C.重力不是万有引力,重力与万有引力是两种力; Gravity is not Universal Gravitation, Gravity and Universal Gravitation are two kinds of forces;D.以上都不对; None of the above is true;

时间:2023-03-01 09:57:54

