听力原文:Since World War II, international economy has become too complex for any single theory to explain or for any single government to control.

(28) A.No government or theory can alone cope with the complexities of the global economy. B.No government can understand the theory of the global economy because of its complexities. C.World War Ⅱ has made the global economy more complex to be explained in terms of traditional economic theories. D.Our government must frame. a new theory so as to control the development of the global economy.

时间:2023-02-05 09:17:03


  • About three million people have migrated to Britain since World War ll.They are mainly from the West Indies,India and()

    A . Indonesia B . Singapore C . Hong Kong D . Pakista

  • According to the lecture, what is the impact of World War I upon the outbreak of World War II 21 years later? __________.

  • During World War II, many ( ) fled to the United States.

  • The American foreign policy throughout World War II was neutrality.

  • The mothers are sending to China to find the daughters Suyuan abandoned during World War II.

  • In World War II, the great soldier gave his life ____ a poor little boy.

  • If anyone you know lived during World War II, ask them if they remember the Lend-Lease Act.

  • 听力原文:W: Good morning, Mr.Tim.It's a long time since I had the pleasure of a visit for you.

    M: Yes, it must be three or four years. I haven't visited you since I called about my will. You helped me with that, you remember? W: Yes, I remember. Do you want to make any changes in your will? M: I don't think that will be necessary, but you'll tell me if it is. I left everything, you remember, to my wife, and after her death, to my son Jerry. I've about $15,000 in shares of industrial companies. These bring in, after paying tax, about $1,125 a year. Well, I'm earning a good salary now, and I shall get a good pension from my employers, so my wife and I can live fairly comfortably with this extra income, I want to buy some land and build a house for my son; he will need a house when he gets married. I'm thinking of building one and giving it to him. W: Your son's lucky. So you want my help buying the land and building the house. M: Yes, that's right. As soon as you've done what's necessary for buying the land, Jerry and I will see an architect. W: Have you found a plot yet? M: Jerry was in Edinburgh last Saturday and saw a plot he likes. My wife and I went there two days ago, and we liked it, too. I'd like you to make the necessary inquiries for me. W: I'd be pleased to do that. I shall have to write to the Local Authority and inquire whether it is allowed to build a house on your piece of land. You've not allowed to build a house without permission from the Planning Authority. And sometimes the Authority decides that a house must be built of stone, and not of brick, so that it doesn't spoil the surrounding village. How long have they not met each other? A.Half a year. B.Two years. C.Three or four years. D.More than five years.

  • 听力原文:M:Mary, I've finally decided about my history paper. I'm going to focus on World War Ⅱ.

    W:That's good, but you need to concentrate on one particular area. What about looking at the course of events in the Pacific? Q:What does the woman think of the man's topic? (14) A.It is not worth writing about. B.It is quite appropriate. C.It should be narrowed down. D.It should be expanded.

  • 听力原文: The World Health Organization says extraordinary progress has been made since the global campaign to eradicate polio was launched in 1988.

    At that time, it says, 350 thousand children a year were paralyzed from this crippling disease. It says this figure dropped to 35 hundred last year. W-H-O Coordinator for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, Bruce Aylward, says last year a record 550 million children under age five were immunized in 82 countries against polio. Although this is an important achievement, he says the job is not yet over. "The major challenge right now is to stop polio transmission everywhere within the next 24 months so that we can certify the world polio free on time in 2005. The greatest challenge to doing that will be making sure we access every child in the big remaining, heavily endemic or heavily infected polio areas." The World Health Organization says the polio virus is now present in no more than 20 countries. This is down from 125 in 1988. But, it notes immunizing children in these few remaining countries will not be easy. W-H-O says major difficulties lie in war-torn countries such as Afghanistan, Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, and Sudan. But, it says problems also exist in polio-endemic countries such as Nigeria, Ethiopia, Pakistan, and Northern India. W-H-O vaccine export, Bjorn Melgaard says the goal is to be able to eventually stop immunizing children against polio. "Once we are absolutely certain that the virus is not spreading; that epidemics can no longer occur, that the containment has been achieved, then we can stop vaccination." Dr. Melgaard adds that the benefits from eradicating polio will be enormous. Besides ending the human suffering, he says countries will save about one-and-haft billion dollars a year in immunization costs. But the World Health Organization warns against complacency. It says the whole world is at risk of polio until the last polio virus is eradicated. This means everyone will have to remain vigilant and committed to achieving this major public health goal. Questions: 23.According to WHO coordinator, how soon shall we stop polio transmission everywhere so as to make the world polio free on time in 2005? 24.How many countries did they haste the polio virus in 1988? 25.What are the war-torn countries that WHO says major difficulties lie in? 26.What is the goal of this campaign? (43) A.One year. B.Two years. C.Three years. D.Four years.

  • 听力原文: Good evening. You are listening to Pop World of BCD International. I'm Sally Brown. Today, we are going to hear several current hits of the world's most popular artists.

    Well, at the beginning, I would like to say a few words to my dear listeners who are not very familiar with this program. Because many people want to listen to and understand pop songs, radio producers at BCD International have made hundreds of programs over the years. We not only have access to the stars of the music world, but we have a vast library of "golden oldish" Classics, as well as the "latest releases". For those of you who like a bit of background with your favorite music — there's The History of Pop or The Road to Music. These two series bring you the language of pop music and information about the periods and the artists. If you want to hear from the artists themselves ,there's a new series called About The Big Hits. This is based on interviews with popular singers and songwriters. They speak to us about the meaning and ideas behind their songs. If you want to understand the words to the big music hits, pop Words is the program for you. After all, it's hard enough for native English speakers to understand most pop songs — so, if English isn't your first language, you shouldn't be surprised ff the words to many songs leave you in the dark. It was to address exactly this problem that BCD International started broadcasting Pop Words just over 23 years ago... [ fade out] Which of the following is covered in BCD International programs? A.Interviews with radio producers. B.A large variety of pop songs. C.News from the music library. D.Stories about the good old days.

  • 听力原文:Man: And today I'm talking to Angela Morgan. Angela, what made you decide to fly round the world in a helicopter?

    Woman: People often ask me why I decided to do it but I'm surprised they don't ask 'Why did you wait so long?' because I'm 57 now! I'm sorry I didn't do it years ago, because it was such a wonderful experience. But the main purpose for going was to collect £500,000 for sick children by getting different companies to pay us money for each kilometre that we flew. Man: And now everyone calls you the flying grandmother! Woman: Yes, the thing about growing older is that you don't feel any different inside, so you have to do as much as you can while you can. I'm healthy, and my own children are grown up, so I was free to go. Man: And what about preparing for the trip? Woman: Well, it took five months to plan. I was going to go with my husband, but he couldn't take time off work. Instead I made the trip with my flying teacher who became a great friend while she was teaching me to fly three years ago. I passed my flying test after two weeks; found it quite easy. Man: And what was the trip like? Woman: It was really exciting flying over so many different countries. The only thing was that we weren't able to spend much time sightseeing because we only stopped to get water and to camp. We took very little with us, but we did have tents and cooking things to use at night. We had to spend two days in Thailand because of an engine problem, but that was the longest we spent anywhere. Fortunately nothing else went wrong, so we just kept on going after that. Man: What did you enjoy most about the trip? Woman: The most wonderful thing about flying was seeing the differences in the countryside as we flew across 26 countries in 97 days. We flew over oceans and close to mountains; sometimes it was quite frightening, but we didn't travel when it was dark. We spent several nights camping in the desert and the sky was just full of stars. I made a video of the trip; you'll see it in a minute. Man: Was there anything that you missed while you were away? Woman: Well, to my surprise I didn't miss going to work or going out to restaurants or films. The most difficult thing was sitting still all the time; I normally play tennis and swim several times a week, so I started to feel very unfit. I missed hot water and proper showers sometimes too, but not as much as I thought I would! The main reason for Angela's trip was to A.make money for her business. B.make money for other people. C.have an exciting adventure.

  • 听力原文:A: I' d like to welcome "Sports World' Johnny Sprag, captain of that great football team, Manchester United. Hello, Johnny. How are you?

    B: Hello, Brian. Fine, thanks. A: Now, Johnny, your team, Manchester United, is playing in the League Cup Final on Saturday. You hope to win the League Cup for the fourth time next Saturday. But Leeds City are a hard team to beat. What do you think of your chances? B: Well, Brian, I' m sure we ‘ll win. Leeds is a very strong team, but we' ve never been better than we are today. A: So you're quite sure Manchester will win the Cup for the fourth time? B: I certainly am, Brian. A: Well, I wish you the best of luck for Saturday. B: Thanks very much, Brian. A: And, by the way, happy birthday! How old are you now? B: I' m 31 today. A: Good. How are you going to celebrate? B: Well, I'm going to take my wife and two little girls out for dinner tonight. A: Good. And finally, tell us about the future, Johnny. What will you be doing in five years’time? B: Well, Brian, I hope I’ll still be playing football in five years’time. But perhaps in ten years’time, when I have to retire from playing, I don’t want to leave football. I' d really like to train young footballers. I don’t know for sure, but I always want to work in football. A: Good. Well, it’s been nice talking to you, Johnny. I’ll be watching the match on Saturday. Thanks for coming to talk to us. B: Thanks, Brian. Thank you for having me. How many times has Johnny’s team won the League Cup? A.Once. B.Twice. C.Three times. D.Four times.

  • 听力原文:M: I was just reading this article about the wonders of the ancient world. A lot of them were buildings. I was thinking, what would your wonders of the modern would be? Not necessarily buildings, but things that have changed our way of life.

    W: For me, well, I was thinking the cell phone is the most wonderful thing. M: Really? W: Yeah, (19) I even couldn't live without mine. It's so convenient! I can call my friends anytime and they can always call me. Or if I'm in trouble I can call for help... M: You mean like calling your parents? W: Yeah, like parents, and if I'm running late, I'm able to call a friend if I'm, like, on the bus or something. M: (20) But the problem with cell phones is that people use them too much for every little thing. It's practically glued to their ears. W: Yeah, and I hate it when people shout into them in a public place and everyone else has to listen to the conversation, especially in restaurants. M: Well, good manners aren't a wonder of our world! You know, I think the most amazing wonder is e-mail. It has changed the world, and it has totally transformed my business. Everybody at work is always on the computer, responding to e-mails, sending e-mails... That's where most of our business is done now, through e-mail. You are sending reports, getting information. But the bad part is that you are glued to the computer and people expect things to be done right away. W: Yeah, people are shocked if you go through a day without checking your e-mail. And when you go on vacation and then you come back, maybe there are 200 e-mails waiting for you — all of them urgent. M: I guess it is like any other tool or device. (21) If it's used correctly, it's very useful. 19.Wily does the woman consider the cell phone one of the wonders of the modem world? 20.What is the problem with cell phones according to the man? 21.How does the man feel about e-mail? (20) A.It is used too much. B.It is more necessary than E-mail. C.It is very convenient. D.It has more problems than benefits.

  • In World War I, ______ are applied to test the personality of soldiers.

    A.Army Alpha and Army Beta tests B.Wechsler tests C.Stanford-Binet tests D.Inkblot tests and Thematic Apperception Test

  • Why did American government financially support clinical psychology after World War II?

    A.Because veterans needed mental-health service. B.Because psychologist struggled for it. C.Because many people criticized psychological testing. D.Because Americans want it to flourish.

  • 听力原文: The center of Moscow today was transformed into a sea of color. Bearing standards of the Red Army, thou sands of Russian servicemen marched across Red Square in commemoration of the Soviet Union's victory in the Second World War.

    Parading too were two and a half thousand frontline veterans of the war. As they were driven in trucks across Red Square, they waved red carnations and were saluted by more than fifty world leaders who had gathered here to mark the anniversary. In a speech, Putin said tens of millions of Soviet citizens had been killed in the war. But he paid tribute to allied troops in Western Europe who had been killed battling Nazi Germany. The parading was to ______. A.pay homage to the old soldiers B.moralize the young generation C.memorized the Soviet Union's victory in the WWII D.accuse the crime of the enemies

  • Why did British women become indispensable to industry after World War II?

    A.Because millions of men died in the war. B.Because women had proved their worth. C.Because women were more skillful than men. D.Because factories preferred to employ women.

  • World War II is particular in that it

    A.anticipated the arrival of new age in war-waging. B.victimized the ordinary people and soldiers alike on unprecedented scales. C.made the aggressors suffer more than the aggressed. D.used the propaganda to get the civilians into it without hesitation.

  • 听力原文: Good evening. You are listening to Pop Worm of BCD International. I'm Sally Brown. Today, we are going to hear several current hits of the world's most popular artists.

    Well, at the beginning, I would like to say a few words to my dear listeners who are not very familiar with this program. Because many people want to listen to and understand pop songs, radio producers at BCD International have made hundreds of programs over the years. We not only have access to the stars of the music world, but also have a vast library of "golden oldie" classics, as well as the "latest releases". For those of you who like a bit of background of your favorite music--there are The History of Pop and The Road to Music. These two series bring you the language of pop music and information about the periods and the artists. If you want to hear from the artists themselves, there's a new series called About the Big Hits. This is based on interviews with popular singers and songwriters. They speak to us about the meanings and ideas behind their songs. If you want to understand the words to the big music hits, Pop Words is the program for you. After all, it's hard enough for native English speakers to understand most pop songs--so, if English isn't your first language, you shouldn't be surprised if the words to many songs leave you in the dark. It was to address exactly this problem that BCD International started broadcasting Pop Words just over 23 years ago... [fade out] Which of the following is covered in BCD International programs? A.Interviews with radio producers. B.A large variety of pop songs. C.News from the music library. D.Stories about the good old days.

  • 听力原文:Since Professor Smith cannot come on Friday, the quiz will be postponed until next week's class.

    Which of the following is true about the quiz? A.It will be given at a later time. B.It won't be ready until Friday. C.It will be short and easy.

  • 听力原文:M: My shoulder's been hurting for a couple of weeks now ever since I moved that heavy desk by myself.

    W: If it hasn't gotten better by now, you should have it looked at. Q: What does the woman imply?. (17) A.He should look at the desk. B.He should go to the doctor. C.He should relax a little hit. D.He should have found some one for help.

  • 17、检索第一次世界大战相关英文网页信息的方法,检索关键词为“World War I”,我们会发现含有“World War II”也被命中,原因是:

    A.World War II包含World War I B.I重复两次,被搜索引擎忽略一次,因此,II和I等价 C.I和II都被忽略,没有参与检索匹配 D.搜索引擎自动扩检,以更好满足用户需求

  • Of the fllowing sectors in Britain,()has experienced spectacular growth since the end of World War I.

    A、agriculture B、the energy industry C、the service sector D、the manufacturing industry