
下列各组词语中,加横线字的读音全部正确的一组是()。 A.谙熟(ān) 压轴(zhòu)戏 投奔(bèn) 锐不可当(dāng) B.爱酵(jiào) 叨光(dāo) 违约(wéi) 所向披靡(mǐ) C.栖止(xī) 镌(juàn)刻 殷红(yān) 拈轻怕重(niān) D.戏谑(xuè) 谄媚(chǎn) 一瞥(piē) 锲而不舍(qì)

时间:2024-05-02 11:54:43


  • 现任日本首相“菅直人”怎么读?()

    A . かんなおびと B . かんなおと C . すがなおと D . すがなおびと

  • 胼胝体怎么读

    失读症的损伤定位在A.优势半球的枕叶和角回之间的联系纤维 B.优势半球的顶叶后部、缘上回及胼胝体 C.优势半球的额中回后部的Exner区 D.优势半球的缘上回后部 E.优势半球的角回 运动性失用症的损伤定位在A.优势半球的枕叶和角回之间的联系纤维 B.优势半球的顶叶后部、缘上回及胼胝体 C.优势半球的额中回后部的Exner区 D.优势半球的缘上回后部 E.优势半球的角回 失写症的损伤定位在A.优势半球的枕叶和角回之间的联系纤维 B.优势半球的顶叶后部、缘上回及胼胝体 C.优势半球的额中回后部的Exner区 D.优势半球的缘上回后部 E.优势半球的角回 观念性失用症的损伤定位在A.优势半球的枕叶和角回之间的联系纤维 B.优势半球的顶叶后部、缘上回及胼胝体 C.优势半球的额中回后部的Exner区 D.优势半球的缘上回后部 E.优势半球的角回 结构性失用的损伤定位在A.优势半球的枕叶和角回之间的联系纤维 B.优势半球的顶叶后部、缘上回及胼胝体 C.优势半球的额中回后部的Exner区 D.优势半球的缘上回后部 E.优势半球的角回 请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

  • 憎恶怎么读

    憎恶的拼音怎么读 憎恶的读音 憎恶读音 “憎恶”中的“恶”,在普通话中的正确读音是()。 A.è B.wù C.ě

  • period怎么读

    <table><tbody><tr><td>阅读理解。</td></tr><tr><td>The high school years are a key period. The things we learn during this time really shape our lives. Liu Changming, principal of Beijing No. 4 High School made 18 suggestions for students just starting high school on how to get the best out of high school. Here are ten of them. 1) Read 50 books. But choose them from ten different fields. 2) Help a person. Look for a classmate, an elderly person, in fact anyone who could benefit (获益) from your help. You'll find you benefit too! 3) Research. Research a particular area, such as science, history or art. 4) Make a foreign friend. Try to befriend someone from a foreign country. It's an ideal way to learn about a foreign country. 5) Publish (出版) an article. Whether it appears in a newspaper, your school magazine or in your own blog, an article will be something to look back on in pride in later years. 6) Take up a new sport. Choose one you've never played before. If you find you like it, you'll have a hobby for life. 7) Join a club. Working hard in a club or other activities will give you a life outside of your studies. 8) Find a part-time job. Try and do the job for at least a month. 9) Find a person to learn from. Choose someone with unusual experience or special talent. Try to learn all you can from him or her. 10) Learn to cook four Chinese dishes. Learning how to cook is not only a practical skill but a way of building a bridge to other people.</td></tr><tr><td>1. According to the passage, by making a foreign friend you can ________.</td></tr><tr><td>A. learn about another culture B. practice spoken English C. discuss the international situation D. share your happiness and sadness</td></tr><tr><td>2. Beside learning a practical skill, another purpose of learning to cook is ________.</td></tr><tr><td>A. to help your parents with housework B. to kill time C. to have communication with others D. to make friends</td></tr><tr><td>3. Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?</td></tr><tr><td>A. You should read fifty books of the same field. B. Do a part-time job for less than a month. C. Try to publish an article to make you famous. D. You can benefit a lot by helping others.</td></tr><tr><td>4. The principal made the suggestions in order for the students to ________.</td></tr><tr><td>A. make contributions to society B. achieve greet progress in high school C. love high school life D. finish high school</td></tr></tbody></table>

  • 东莞怎么读拼音

    桜拼音怎么读「桜」的正确读音是()。 A.いくら B.さくら C.いくつ D.さくだ

  • 晁怎么读

    阅读水浒传选段,晁天王此次下山的原因和目的分别是什么? (3)阅读《水浒传》选段,回答问题。 林冲叫扶上车子,便差三阮,杜迁、宋万选回山寨。其余十五个头领在寨中商议:“今番晁天王哥哥下山,不想遭这一场,正应了风折认旗之兆。我等只可收兵回去,这曾头市急切不能取得。” ①晁天王此次下山的原因和目的分别是什么? _______ ②文品说“遭这一场”指什么事情? _______ 此题出自2015年江苏省镇江市中考语文真题及答案 ,镇江市2015年中考语文试卷

  • 宫商角徵羽怎么读

    “宫商角徵羽”中的“徵”的读音是()。 A.<img src='https://img2.soutiyun.com/ask/uploadfile/4896001-4899000/a04957d37696de1c5f690251ea8f08c7.png' /> B.<img src='https://img2.soutiyun.com/ask/uploadfile/4896001-4899000/7e7b5b104a30b5544711709dfde94252.png' /> C.<img src='https://img2.soutiyun.com/ask/uploadfile/4896001-4899000/2fa2cec6d79b5d8b7bac20df7f32ca05.png' /> D.<img src='https://img2.soutiyun.com/ask/uploadfile/4896001-4899000/1a36e40cabbc6ad6b916cc2b4541ab91.png' />

  • 同是宦游人的宦怎么读

    培根说过:“读史使人明智,读诗使人聪慧,演算使人精密,哲理使人深刻,道德使人高尚,逻辑修辞使人善辩。”由此可见()。 ①知识可以提高人的素养 ②看书学习是获得知识的重要途径 ③知识是前人经验的传承 ④能力的提高来自于书本知识 <img src='https://img2.soutiyun.com/ask/uploadfile/2421001-2424000/8dad09be780a617fbfb23c15f8e6af9a.gif' />

  • 郄怎么读

    郄姓氏怎么读查姓氏怎么读下列姓氏读音错误的有()。 A.查ch5 B.刁dao C.余she D.席Xi

  • 薜荔怎么读

    阅读《湘夫人》中的一节,回答问题: 筑室兮水中,葺之兮荷盖。荪壁兮紫坛,芳椒兮成堂;桂栋兮兰 ,辛夷楣兮药房。罔薜荔兮为帷,擗蕙 兮既张;白玉兮为镇,疏石兰兮为芳,芷葺兮荷屋,缭之兮杜衡。合百草兮实庭,建芳馨兮庑门。九嶷缤兮并迎,灵之来兮如云 A.这里描写了什么情景? B.这里表达了抒情主人公怎样的情感? C.这里运用了什么艺术手法?

  • 帖怎么读

    和书法最有相关性的是什么? A.入帖 B. 读帖 C. 欣赏名家作品 D. 临摹

  • fields怎么读

    period怎么读 <table><tbody><tr><td>阅读理解。</td></tr><tr><td>The high school years are a key period. The things we learn during this time really shape our lives. Liu Changming, principal of Beijing No. 4 High School made 18 suggestions for students just starting high school on how to get the best out of high school. Here are ten of them. 1) Read 50 books. But choose them from ten different fields. 2) Help a person. Look for a classmate, an elderly person, in fact anyone who could benefit (获益) from your help. You'll find you benefit too! 3) Research. Research a particular area, such as science, history or art. 4) Make a foreign friend. Try to befriend someone from a foreign country. It's an ideal way to learn about a foreign country. 5) Publish (出版) an article. Whether it appears in a newspaper, your school magazine or in your own blog, an article will be something to look back on in pride in later years. 6) Take up a new sport. Choose one you've never played before. If you find you like it, you'll have a hobby for life. 7) Join a club. Working hard in a club or other activities will give you a life outside of your studies. 8) Find a part-time job. Try and do the job for at least a month. 9) Find a person to learn from. Choose someone with unusual experience or special talent. Try to learn all you can from him or her. 10) Learn to cook four Chinese dishes. Learning how to cook is not only a practical skill but a way of building a bridge to other people.</td></tr><tr><td>1. According to the passage, by making a foreign friend you can ________.</td></tr><tr><td>A. learn about another culture B. practice spoken English C. discuss the international situation D. share your happiness and sadness</td></tr><tr><td>2. Beside learning a practical skill, another purpose of learning to cook is ________.</td></tr><tr><td>A. to help your parents with housework B. to kill time C. to have communication with others D. to make friends</td></tr><tr><td>3. Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?</td></tr><tr><td>A. You should read fifty books of the same field. B. Do a part-time job for less than a month. C. Try to publish an article to make you famous. D. You can benefit a lot by helping others.</td></tr><tr><td>4. The principal made the suggestions in order for the students to ________.</td></tr><tr><td>A. make contributions to society B. achieve greet progress in high school C. love high school life D. finish high school</td></tr></tbody></table>

  • 芾甘怎么读

    关怀老师在甘肃清水读了多久的书: A.5年 B.6年 C.7年 D.8年

  • 赡怎么读

    下列词语中加点的字,每对的读音都不相同的一项是()。 A.滋润/蕴含、赡养/瞻仰、调试/调和 B.对峙/嗜好、竣工/英俊、强迫/倔强 C.造诣/逃逸、堤岸/提拔、抹黑/抹布 D.湖畔/装扮、怄气/枢纽、阻塞/边塞

  • 泮怎么读

    阅读《氓》片段,回答下列各小题: 及尔偕老,老使我怨。淇则有岸,隰则有泮。总角之宴,言笑晏晏。信誓旦旦,不思其反。反是不思,亦已焉哉! 解释这节诗中加点的字。(2分) 宴:

  • 仇怎么读

    仇姓氏怎么读音是什么仇作为姓氏读音为chou此题为判断题(对,错)。 是 否

  • 夜阑风静縠纹平怎么读


  • 友谊怎么读

    <table><tbody><tr><td>“中非合作论坛北京峰会”于2006年11月4日在北京隆重召开,会议的主题是“友谊、和平、合作、发 展”。读下图回答问题:</td></tr><tr><td> <img src='https://img2.soutiyun.com/ask/uploadfile/8184001-8187000/cb5ab6ced1f992664a93b2c47564f821.gif' /></td></tr><tr><td>(1)非洲北临___________海,A是___________运河。 (2)B线以南的广大地区是_____________种人的故乡。 (3)非洲被称为“热带大陆”,但好望角属于地球上五带中的____________带。 (4)右上图表示____________气候,分布在左上图中(C、D、E)__________点。 (5)我国与非洲贸易往来越来越密切,假如从F国进口石油,合理的运输方式是______。 (6)长期以来,非洲许多国家形成了“单一商品经济”,造成了经济比较落后。为促进非洲发展,请提 出合理建议。 ____。</td></tr></tbody></table>

  • 单姓怎么读

    "单"在姓氏中的读音是"dān"。此题为判断题(对,错)。 是 否

  • 创伤怎么读

    创伤读音 廓然无累的读音 人一辈子都在高潮——低潮中沉浮,唯有庸碌的人,生活才如死水一般;或者要有极高的修养,方能廓然无累,真正的解脱。只要高潮不使你过分紧张,低潮不使你过分颓废,就好了。(1)(太阳太强烈,会把五谷晒焦;雨水太猛,也会淹死庄稼)。我们只求心里相当平衡,不至于受伤而已。……慢慢的你会养成另外一种心情对付过去的事:就是能够想到而不再惊心动魄,能够从客观的立场分析前因后果,做后来的借鉴,以免重蹈覆辙。一个人唯有敢于正视现实,正视错误,用理智分析,彻底感悟,才不至于被回忆侵蚀。我相信你逐渐会学会这一套,越来越坚强的。我以前在信中和你提过感情的Ruin(创伤,覆灭),就是要你把这些事当做心灵的灰烬看,看的时候当然不免感触万端,但不要刻骨铭心地伤害自己,(2)(而要像对着古战场一般的存着凭吊的心怀。) 请说出“心灵的灰烬”的含义。

  • 跻怎么读

    下列加下划线字的读音全都正确的一组是()。 A.跻(jī)身 敷(fū)衍 媲(pì)美 饿殍(piǒo)遍野 B.娉(pīng)婷 寒碜(chen) 谙(ān)熟 提纲挈(xiá)领 C.震慑(shè) 服膺(yīng) 鞭挞(tā) 踽踽(yǔ)独行 D.炫(xuàn)耀 逮(děi)捕 缜(zhěn)密 栉(zhì)风沐雨

  • 恶怎么读

    在"是之谓恶阻"中,"恶"的读音是() A、è B、é C、ê D、Wū

  • 鞫怎么读

    汉代的起诉叫( )。 A.告劾 B.读鞫 C.乞鞫 D.鞫狱

  • 舄怎么读

    姓氏“舄”的读音是xiè。()此题为判断题(对,错)。 是 否